COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program Phase II (CVERAP Phase II)
The COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program Phase II (CVERAP Phase II) which provides rental arrears and temporary rental assistance to low- and moderate-income households that have had a substantial reduction in income, have qualified for unemployment benefits, incurred significant costs, or experienced a financial hardship due, directly, or indirectly, to the COVID-19 pandemic, is currently closed as funding has been fully obligated. The Eviction Prevention Program (EPP) is also closed to new pre-applications. If you have already submitted a pre-application for CVERAP2/EPP and are contacted by DCA, please follow the application instructions you are given.
If you have not previously submitted a pre-application and are in need of help in paying rent arrears or future rental assistance, you may submit a pre-application here to be considered, in the future, if DCA receives additional funds.
You should also submit a self-certification for protection from eviction at - those whose income is below 120% of Area Median Income may be eligible for permanent protection from eviction for rental arrears accrued March 2020-August 31, 2021; those whose income is 80% of Area Median Income or below, who have experienced impact from the COVID-19 pandemic, and who have submitted an application for rental assistance (including a pre-application here) may be eligible for permanent protection from eviction for rental arrears accrued March 2020-December 31, 2021.
Click on the link below to apply for future rental assistance, if DCA receives additional funds:
Please note that any pre-application submitted at this time will not be considered unless additional funds become available. Please be sure to apply for any other funding you may be eligible for, including:
- Help with utility arrears and assistance paying utility bills: DCAid Services · Custom Portal (
- Other NJ assistance:
- Other eligible local governments that received funds from US Treasury for Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA): Find Rental Assistance Programs in Your Area | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (
Please also visit NJ Eviction Protection Income Self-Certification Form to self-certify to be protected from eviction.
Programa de Asistencia de Emergencia para el Alquiler COVID-19 (CVERAP, Fase II)
Actualmente, la Fase II del Programa de Asistencia de Emergencia para el Alquiler COVID-19 (CVERAP) está cerrada para la recepción de nuevas solicitudes preliminares ya que los fondos han sido totalmente asignados. Este Programa brinda asistencia para pago de alquileres atrasados y asistencia temporal para el alquiler a hogares de ingresos bajos y moderados que han tenido una reducción sustancial en sus ingresos, que han calificado para beneficios de desempleo, que han incurrido en costos significativos o han tenido dificultades financieras ocasionadas directa o indirectamente por la pandemia COVID-19. También se encuentra cerrada la recepción de nuevas solicitudes preliminares al Programa de Prevención del Desalojo (EPP). Si usted ya ha enviado una solicitud preliminar al CVERAP2/EPP y el DCA se ha puesto en contacto con usted, siga las instrucciones que se le han proporcionado en el trámite de la solicitud.
Si usted no ha enviado previamente una solicitud preliminar y necesita ayuda para pagar los atrasos en el alquiler o asistencia futura para el alquiler, puede presentar una solicitud preliminar aquí para ser considerado para la ayuda más adelante, si el DCA obtuviera fondos adicionales.
También usted debería presentar el formulario de autocertificación de protección contra el desalojo en Quienes tengan ingresos inferiores al 120% del ingreso medio del área pueden ser elegibles para la protección permanente contra el desalojo por atrasos acumulados en el pago del alquiler entre marzo de 2020 y el 31 de agosto de 2021; quienes tengan ingresos equivalentes o inferiores al 80% del ingreso medio del área, que hayan sido afectados por la pandemia COVID-19, y que hayan presentado una solicitud de asistencia para el alquiler (incluida una solicitud preliminar, aquí), pueden ser elegibles para la protección permanente contra el desalojo por atrasos en el alquiler acumulados entre marzo de 2020 y el 31 de diciembre de 2021.
Haga clic en el siguiente enlace para solicitar asistencia futura para el alquiler, si el DCA obtuviera fondos adicionales:
Tenga en cuenta que cualquier solicitud preliminar que se envíe ahora no será tomada en cuenta a menos que haya fondos adicionales disponibles. Trate de solicitar cualquier otro financiamiento para el que pueda ser elegible, como los siguientes:
- Ayuda con pagos atrasados de los servicios públicos y asistencia para pagar facturas de servicios públicos: Servicios de DCAid · Portal del cliente (
- Otra ayuda en Nueva Jersey:
- Municipios elegibles que recibieron fondos del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos para Asistencia de Alquiler de Emergencia (ERA): Ubique programas de asistencia con el alquiler en su área | Oficina de Protección Financiera del Consumidor (
Por favor, también rellene el Formulario de Autocertificación de Ingresos de Protección contra el Desalojo en NJ para poder autocertificarse y protegerse contra el desalojo.
Tenga en cuenta lo siguiente: Actualmente, el portal CVERAP2/Programa de Prevención del Desalojo (EPP) no recibe nuevas solicitudes preliminares, y cualquier solicitud preliminar que se presente en este momento no será considerada a menos que haya fondos adicionales disponibles.
Please note: The CVERAP2/Eviction Prevention Program portal is currently closed to new pre-applications, any pre-application submitted at this time will not be considered unless additional funds become available.
Applicants may be eligible for up to a maximum of twelve months of emergency rental assistance to help pay for rent arrears and future rent to the extent that funds are available. Families that have already received CVERAP funding through Phase I of the program, that need additional rent support, and have not yet received the maximum twelve months of emergency rental assistance can apply for additional funding.
Please note: The CVERAP2/Eviction Prevention Program portal is currently closed to new pre-applications, any pre-application submitted at this time will not be considered unless additional funds become available.
Financial assistance is limited to three months based on application submitted, except that the household may receive additional assistance for additional months subject to the availability of remaining funds and eligibility, not to exceed 12 months (plus an additional three months if necessary to ensure housing stability).
Persons applying must meet all applicable CVERAP Phase II income and eligibility requirements. You must be eighteen (18) years of age or older to apply or be an emancipated minor. Only one (1) application per household will be accepted. Applications will be accepted until enough applications have been received to ensure distribution of all available CVERAP Phase II funds. A computerized selection (lottery) process will be used to select residents who have been impacted by COVID-19 for eligibility determination.
Please note: The CVERAP2/Eviction Prevention Program portal is currently closed to new pre-applications, any pre-application submitted at this time will not be considered unless additional funds become available.
Selected households must meet the following eligibility criteria to qualify for assistance:
- Qualify for unemployment or have experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced a financial hardship due, directly or indirectly, to the COVID-19 pandemic;
- Demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability;
- Have a household income at or below 80 percent of the area median income (please see income limits below);
- Have a lack of assets and savings to pay rent arrears or current and future rent;
- Be a New Jersey resident; and
- Obligated to pay rent on a residential dwelling.
The program will only pay for rent arrears incurred after March 13, 2020.
Property managers or owners of a residential dwelling may apply for assistance on behalf of a tenant. The landlord must:
- Obtain the signature of the tenant on the application, which may be documented electronically; and
- Must provide documentation of the application to the tenant to notify the tenant that the application has been submitted.
Please note: The CVERAP2/Eviction Prevention Program portal is currently closed to new pre-applications, any pre-application submitted at this time will not be considered unless additional funds become available.
The chart below shows the maximum income limits currently in effect for households of up to eight members. If you have a larger household, please contact DCA at 609-490-4550 for assistance in determining the maximum income limits for your household.
Atlantic County | $46,450 | $53,100 | $59,750 | $66,350 | $71,700 | $77,000 | $82,300 | $87,600 |
Bergen County | $54,950 | $62,800 | $70,650 | $78,500 | $84,800 | $91,100 | $9,7350 | 103,650 |
Burlington County | $54,150 | $61,850 | $69,600 | $77,300 | $83,500 | $89,700 | $95,900 | $102,050 |
Camden County | $54,150 | $61,850 | $69,600 | $77,300 | $83,500 | $89,700 | $95,900 | $102,050 |
Cape May County | $48,100 | $54,950 | $61,800 | $68,650 | $74,150 | $79,650 | $85,150 | $90,650 |
Cumberland County | $41,100 | $47,000 | $52,850 | $58,700 | $63,400 | $68,100 | $72,800 | $77,500 |
Essex County | $54,950 | $62,800 | $70,650 | $78,500 | $84,800 | $91,100 | $97,350 | $103,650 |
Gloucester County | $54,150 | $61,850 | $69,600 | $77,300 | $83,500 | $89,700 | $95,900 | $102,050 |
Hudson County | $55,250 | $63,150 | $71,050 | $78,900 | $85,250 | $91,550 | $97,850 | $104,150 |
Hunterdon County | $57,800 | $66,050 | $74,300 | $82,550 | $89,200 | $95,800 | 102,400 | 109,000 |
Mercer County | $54,950 | $62,800 | $70,650 | $78,500 | $84,800 | $91,100 | $97,350 | 103,650 |
Middlesex County | $57,800 | $66,050 | $74,300 | $82,550 | $89,200 | $95,800 | 102,400 | $109,000 |
Monmouth County | $54,950 | $62,800 | $70,650 | $78,500 | $84,800 | $91,100 | $97,350 | $103,650 |
Morris County | $54,950 | $62,800 | $70,650 | $78,500 | $84,800 | $91,100 | $97,350 | $103,650 |
Ocean County |
$54,950 |
$62,800 |
$70,650 |
$78,500 |
$84,800 |
$91,100 |
$97,350 |
$103,650 |
Passaic County |
$54,950 |
$62,800 |
$70,650 |
$78,500 |
$84,800 |
$91,100 |
$97,350 |
$103,650 |
Salem County |
$54,150 |
$61,850 |
$69,600 |
$77,300 |
$83,500 |
$89,700 |
$95,900 |
$102,050 |
Somerset County |
$57,800 |
$66,050 |
$74,300 |
$82,550 |
$89,200 |
$95,800 |
102,400 |
$109,000 |
Sussex County |
$54,950 |
$62,800 |
$70,650 |
$78,500 |
$84,800 |
$91,100 |
$97,350 |
$103,650 |
Union County |
$54,950 |
$62,800 |
$70,650 |
$78,500 |
$84,800 |
$91,100 |
$97,350 |
$103,650 |
Warren County |
$54,950 |
$62,800 |
$70,650 |
$78,500 |
$84,800 |
$91,100 |
$97,350 |
$103,650 |
CVERAP Phase II applications will only be accepted ONLINE. If you have not previously submitted a pre-application and are in need of help in paying rent arrears or future rental assistance, you may submit a pre-application here to be considered, in the future.
Please note: The CVERAP2/Eviction Prevention Program portal is currently closed to new pre-applications, any pre-application submitted at this time will not be considered unless additional funds become available.
Click the link below for the online application:
Please note: The CVERAP2/Eviction Prevention Program portal is currently closed to new pre-applications, any pre-application submitted at this time will not be considered unless additional funds become available.
CVERAP Phase II applications for possible future assistance can be submitted ONLINE only at
Paper CVERAP Phase II applications will not be distributed or accepted. Only one CVERAP Phase II application per household will be accepted. Prospective rental assistance will be subject to three-month recertifications. Duplicate CVERAP Phase II applications will be rejected.
Please note: The CVERAP2/Eviction Prevention Program portal is currently closed to new pre-applications, any pre-application submitted at this time will not be considered unless additional funds become available.
If you choose to submit an application for possible future assistance, the following information will be required:
Names, birthdates, income information for all individuals living in the household, as well as:
- Landlord information;
- Current and previous housing assistance received, if any;
- Evidence of financial hardship due, directly or indirectly, to the COVID-19 pandemic;
- Evidence of being high risk for experiencing homelessness or housing instability;
- Lease agreement; and
- Proof of arrearages.
An email address is also required. If you do not have an e-mail address, the application process will allow you to create one. If you are not proficient in English, the CVERAP Phase II application is available in 90 languages. This information can be found at, at the top right of the application.
Please note: The CVERAP2/Eviction Prevention Program portal is currently closed to new pre-applications, any pre-application submitted at this time will not be considered unless additional funds become available.
The Department of Community Affairs will extend reasonable accommodations to disabled individuals, and person who have limited English proficiency on a case-by-case basis and will take into consideration the disability and the need(s) of the individual(s) or those households without internet access. Please contact DCA’s Applicant Service at 609-490-4550, for assistance. Submission of a CVERAP Phase II application does not guarantee placement in the program. Only one CVERAP Phase II application per household will be accepted. Duplicate CVERAP Phase II applications will be rejected.
Please note: The CVERAP2/Eviction Prevention Program portal is currently closed to new pre-applications, any pre-application submitted at this time will not be considered unless additional funds become available.
If future funding becomes available, and you have submitted an application after December 15, 2021, a computerized selection (lottery) process will be used to determine the order in which applications will be selected for eligibility determination. Every application submitted will have the same chance of being selected during the lottery.
Please be advised that the submission of a CVERAP Phase II application does not guarantee placement in the program, nor does it guarantee CVERAP Phase II temporary rental assistance.
Please note: The CVERAP2/Eviction Prevention Program portal is currently closed to new pre-applications, any pre-application submitted at this time will not be considered unless additional funds become available.
Status information will be available at: At this site, you can check the status of your application.
Please visit our Frequently Asked Questions at: if you have any further questions.
Continue to check DCA’s website to see when new waiting lists will be opened in the future.