Environmental and Historic Preservation Review Information

The Environmental and Historic Program of the Division of Disaster Recovery and Mitigation ensures that all funded projects meet federal compliance. The federal government requires all construction work done in Hurricane Ida recovery programs and Superstorm Sandy recovery programs that are funded with Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) dollars be reviewed in a tiered environmental assessment to ensure projects undertaken will have no significant impact on the environment. Therefore, no construction work can begin on projects until all levels of environmental review have been complete and found to be in compliance. Public notices about the environmental review records for recovery projects are published in English and Spanish on this webpage.

Any individual, group, or agency disagreeing with a project’s environmental review determination or wishing to comment on the project may submit written comments within a set public comment period to:

Division of Disaster Recovery and Mitigation, Environmental Historic Program
New Jersey Department of Community Affairs
101 South Broad Street
PO Box 823
Trenton, NJ 08625-0823

Public comments may also be submitted via email at DRM.EHPComments@dca.nj.gov.
When submitting a public comment, please be sure to reference the project name and location in the comment.

Public comments can additionally be submitted to:

Tennille Smith Parker
DRSI, Division Director, HUD
451 Seventh Street SW
Washington, D.C. 20410

The following are Hurricane Ida recovery projects that are currently in the environmental review public comment period:

Posted on July 24, 2024


Hurricane Ida Tier 1 Environmental Assessments

Project Title: New Jersey Blue Acres Tiered Environmental Reviews for Hurricane Ida

Location: Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Passaic, Somerset, Union, Gloucester, Hunterdon, Mercer, Morris, and Warren counties

The total estimated project cost is $16,000,000.

The projects would entail the acquisition of residential properties within a floodway, floodplain, or other disaster risk reduction area to reduce the risk from future flooding. Acquired properties would be cleared of all existing structures and related improvements and the land would be restored as wetlands and/or floodplains to serve a defined open space and climate-resilience purpose.


All comments received by August 8, 2024, or fifteen (15) days from the actual date of publication, whichever is later, will be considered by DCA.


Huracán Ida - Evaluaciones medioambientales de nivel 1

Título del proyecto: New Jersey Blue Acres - Revisiones medioambientales por niveles para al huracán Ida.

Ubicación: Condados de Nueva Jersey: Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Passaic, Somerset, Union, Gloucester, Hunterdon, Mercer, Morris y Warren.

El costo total estimado del proyecto es de $16,000,000 dólares.

Los proyectos implicarían la adquisición de propiedades residenciales dentro de un aliviadero, llanura de inundación u otra área con reducción de riesgo de desastre para aminorar posibles inundaciones en el futuro. En las propiedades que se adquieran se removerán todas las edificaciones existentes y conexas y se convertirá el terreno en humedales y/o llanuras inundables para servir como espacio abierto definido y propósitos de resiliencia frente al clima.


Todos los comentarios recibidos hasta el 8 de agosto de 2024 o quince (15) días a partir de la fecha vigente de publicación, la que sea posterior, serán considerados por el DCA.

Bergen County Tier 1 Environmental Assessment

Essex County Tier 1 Environmental Assessment

Gloucester County Tier 1 Environmental Assessment

Hudson County Tier 1 Environmental Assessment

Hunterdon County Tier 1 Environmental Assessment

Mercer County Tier 1 Environmental Assessment

Middlesex County Tier 1 Environmental Assessment

Morris County Tier 1 Environmental Assessment

Passaic County Tier 1 Environmental Assessment

Somerset County Tier 1 Environmental Assessment

Union County Tier 1 Environmental Assessment

Warren County Tier 1 Environmental Assessment



The following are Superstorm Sandy recovery projects that are currently in the environmental review public comment period:

There are currently no Superstorm Sandy recovery projects in the environmental review public comment period.

   Phone : Constituent Services Office
      (609) 913-4824


        Division of Disaster Recovery and Mitigation
        PO Box 823
        101 South Broad Street
        Trenton, NJ 08625-0823