Department of Military and Veterans Affairs

New Jersey Historic Trust Affiliated with the Department of Community Affairs

Red Bank Battlefield

Preserve New Jersey Historic Preservation Fund
Historic Site Management Grant
Grant Award: $55,634 (2023)
Grant Recipient: Rowan University
County: Gloucester
Municipality: National Park Borough

Located on the waterfront of the Delaware River, Red Bank Battlefield is a 44-acre park that played a crucial role in the Revolutionary War when Hessians attacked Fort Mercer on October 22, 1777. The park is home to the remains of Fort Mercer, two Revolutionary War monuments, and the Quaker homestead, the James and Ann Whitall House. Built in 1748, the Whitall House served as a field hospital during the battle. Red Bank Battlefield was added to the National Register of Historic Places on October 31, 1972, and was designated a National Historic Landmark the same year on November 28. Today, the house and battlefield are now part of the Gloucester County Park system.

The 2023 Trust grant will help fund the preparation of an Interpretive Plan.

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