Training agencies who wish to conduct lead abatement training for workers, supervisors, inspector/risk assessors, and planner/project designers must be certified by the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH).
Individuals must be certified by NJDOH and be employed by a lead firm licensed by the NJ Department of Community Affairs in order to perform work for which the permit is required.
Below are links for the most commonly requested information:
- Certified Lead Training Providers
- Lead Training Agency Application
- Instructor/Training Manager Approval [EHS-16] Note: Instructor/Training Manager applicants must be currently employed by a certified training provider or a training provider with a pending New Jersey Lead Training Certification application. These applications must be submitted to the NJDOH by either a training agency applying for certification or a currently certified training provider.
- Renew Existing Training Provider Certification [EHS-2]