Requirements for Lead Supervisors, Workers, Planner/Project Designers and Inspector/Risk Assessors
Important: To help expedite your application, if at all possible, please submit payment via our e-payment system. Once you complete your payment, a confirmation email will be sent to you. You must include a copy of that email with your application to ensure there are no delays in processing the application.
Requirements for those who wish to conduct lead activities in NJ are below.
- Must complete training approved by the NJ Department of Health (NJDOH).
- Supervisors and Inspector/Risk Assessors must pass a third-party state examination and have specific education and experience (see below) before they can apply for a permit the first time.
- Must submit a completed application (see below) to the NJDOH along with required attachments (see below)
- Training for Planner/Project Designers (PPDs) must consist of at least 56 hours of training. Training must include 40 hours of Supervisor for Housing and Public Buildings training and 16 hours of PPD-specific training. Training must be current when applying for a permit.
If you have questions regarding the new "Lead-Based Paint Inspections in Rental Dwelling Units" Law, please go to the New Jersey Department of Community Affair's webpage. Make sure to bookmark the page so you can check regularly for updates.