Health Care and Benefits
All refugees are required to have a Domestic Medical Screening (DMS). However, other ORR eligible populations may also seek a DMS within 90 days of eligibility.
Domestic Medical Screening (DMS)
All refugees are required to have a domestic medical screening (DMS). However, other ORR-eligible populations in the categories below may also seek a DMS within 90 days of eligibility:
- Asylee
- Special Immigrant Visa Holder
- Certified Victim of Trafficking
- Cuban and Haitian Entrant
- Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolee (UHP)
- Afghan Humanitarian Parolee (AHP)
A domestic medical screening (DMS) is a comprehensive exam of all family members’ physical and emotional health to address any health issues as a new arrival starts their new life in the US. During health screenings, treatment plans and follow-up appointments can be arranged to address any health concerns that may already exist or are discovered during the exam.
In addition to the medical screening, there will be a universal well child check form filled out for your child to send to their school, and their vaccinations will be completed to be able to enroll as soon as possible.
The NJDHS-ONA contracts with the following healthcare centers to provide DMS services to ORR-eligible populations, ensuring providers are knowledgeable of the unique needs of refugees.
Clients are entitled to free language interpretation during all medical visits at any FQHC, hospital, or healthcare center that accepts Medicaid.
Additional Information to Prepare for A Domestic Medical Screening
Seven things you need to know before your Domestic Health Screening: Arabic, Dari, English, Farsi, French, Haitian Creole, Pashto, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Ukrainian, Urdu
Stool Specimen Instructions: Arabic, Dari, English, Haitian Creole, Pashto, Russian, Ukrainian, Swahili
State Benefits Programs
NJ FamilyCare is a federally and state funded health insurance program. Qualified New Jersey residents of any age may be eligible for free or low-cost healthcare coverage that covers doctor visits, prescriptions, vision, dental care, mental health and substance use services, and even hospitalization. You can apply for NJ FamilyCare (Medicaid) by visiting
The NJ Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (NJ SNAP) provides food assistance to families with low incomes to help them buy groceries through a benefits card accepted in most food retail stores and some farmer’s markets. You can use SNAP benefits to stretch your food budget and buy nutritious foods that can keep you and your family healthy.Contact the local county board of social services for additional information.
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)/ Work First New Jersey (WFNJ) provides temporary cash assistance and assists families who participate in New Jersey’s workforce and improve their economic standing through wages, child support and other income supports. A family may still be eligible to receive TANF while receiving money from other benefits. Contact the local county social service agencies for additional information or visit the DHS Website.
General Assistance, Work First NJ (WFNJ), provides cash and emergency housing assistance to individuals without dependent children. Contact the local county board of social services for additional information or visit the DHS Website.
Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) Benefits
Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA)
Cash Assistance for individuals or couples without dependent children. To see if you are eligible and to enroll in the RCA program near you, contact one of the refugee service providers near you.
Refugee Support Services (RSS)
RSS provides social services coordination and supports including English language training and employment training and assistance. To see if you are eligible and to enroll in RSS services, contact one of these agencies near you.
You may be eligible for other ORR benefits (ESL, employment services). For more information, please contact one of these agencies near you:
International Rescue Committee 208 Commerce Place Counties served by program: RCA, R&P, RSS in Hunterdon, Somerset, Union To schedule an appointment to be verified for program eligibility, clients can either come to the office, M-F, 9-5, at 208 Commerce Place, 4th Floor, in Elizabeth. Or for a screening in Spanish (or English), text 908-926-8529. For Haitian Creole (or English), text 908-516-0343. Detailed instructions (in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole) for all new clients.
591 Summit Ave Counties served by program: R&P, RSS in Hudson, Bergen, Passaic, RCA in Hudson, Bergen, Passaic, Middlesex, Mercer, Monmouth, Atlantic, Burlington, Ocean, Gloucester, Salem, Cape May, Cumberland, Camden
Highland Park Location: 19 S 2nd Ave, Highland Park, NJ 08904 Vineland Location: 2384 E. Landis Ave, Vineland, NJ 08361 732-357-0590 Counties served by program: R&P, RSS in Middlesex, Mercer, Monmouth, Atlantic, Burlington, Ocean, Gloucester, Salem, Cape May, Cumberland, Camden
Jewish Vocational Service of Metro west 7 Glenwood Ave, LL Counties Served by program: RSS in Essex, Morris, Warren, Sussex
Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Newark 47-71 Miller Street Counties Served by program: RCA in Essex, Morris, Warren, RSS in Essex, Morris, Warren, Sussex
Catholic Charities, Diocese of Camden 1845 Haddon Ave. Counties Served by program: R&P Camden, Gloucester, Salem, Cumberland, Atlantic, Cape May
Greater Bergen Community Action 235 Main Street, 3rd Floor Counties Served by program: RCA in Bergen, Sussex

For general inquiries and to request a Domestic Medical Screening appointment for a refugee arriving through the Welcome Corps program or Virtual Reception and Placement please email or contact the State Refugee Health Coordinator at 609- 633-7720.