Department of Transportation

Frequently Asked Questions

These frequently asked questions (FAQs) have been developed to help residents, businesses, and area stakeholders develop a better understanding of New Jersey Department of Transportation’s (NJDOT) Route 70, Route 38 to Cooper Avenue project. Additional questions and answers will be added as the project activities progress.

What stage is this project in?
Route 70, Route 38 to Cooper Avenue project has completed the Final Design phase of NJDOT’s Capital Project Delivery Process. The project’s design has been finalized.
When will construction begin?
NJDOT plans to begin construction in September 2021. The anticipated construction completion date is August 2026.
What areas will be affected?
The construction will take place on Route 70 from Route 38 (MP 0.00) to Cooper Avenue (MP 8.80). The project is located within Pennsauken and Cherry Hill Townships in Camden County and Evesham Township in Burlington County, New Jersey.

What is this project’s purpose?
This project’s purpose is to mill, resurface, and reconstruct the deteriorated pavement along Route 70 between Route 38 and Cooper Avenue.
Why is this work necessary?
Within the project limits, the existing pavement exhibits various types of cracking and deterioration. The sidewalk, curbing, curb ramps, signalized intersections, and guiderail are deficient and do not meet current standards. Most pedestrian facilitates do not meet current ADA requirements. The Cropwell’s Brook culvert is ranked as one of the top 20 culverts in New Jersey to be replaced.
What will the project entail?

The project will mill, resurface, and reconstruct 8.8 miles of deteriorated pavement along Route 70 from Route 38 to Cooper Avenue and all of NJDOT’s jughandles within those project limits. It will upgrade all traffic signals to adaptive technology, upgrade intersections to be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), address drainage issues, and improve pedestrian safety along the corridor.

Roadway and Pavement Improvements:
  • Mill and overlay the roadway surface throughout project limits
    • This is the process of grinding off the top layer of existing asphalt using a large milling machine and replacing this layer with a new asphalt surface.
  • Full depth pavement reconstruction along 3 miles of Route 70
    • Full depth reconstruction will include Route 70 eastbound from MP 2.54 to 3.45 and MP 3.96 to MP 5.23; and Route 70 westbound from MP 2.54 to MP 3.49. The remaining roadway surfaces within project limits will be milled and resurfaced.
    • Full depth pavement replacement consists of excavating the entire area and removing existing concrete pavement. The unsuitable soils are removed from the site and new gravel base material is installed prior to the new asphalt pavement. It is required when the pavement foundation needs to be replaced as a result of sub-soil issues or traffic load changes.
  • Reconstruct deteriorated curb and sidewalk throughout the majority of the project limits
  • Install new sidewalks to fill in missing gaps and provide connectivity throughout the corridor
  • Reconstruct all 350 curb ramps throughout the project limits to be ADA-compliant
  • Upgrade traffic signing and striping
  • Upgrade guiderail
  • Reconstruct access to residential and business driveways that are impacted by the pavement reconstruction
Drainage and Structural Improvements:
  • Replacement of existing corrugated metal culvert pipes at:
    • McClellan Avenue (MP 0.35) to be replaced with twin 66” rigid concrete pipes
    • Cropwell’s Brook (MP 3.99) to be replaced with a reinforced concrete box culvert
    • Conestoga Drive (MP 7.37) to be replaced with a concrete elliptical pipe
  • Replace existing timber wall with new retaining wall at Cropwell’s Brook (MP 3.99)
  • Install six stormwater management basins and two manufactured treatment devices designed for water quality and rate control
Traffic and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Improvements:
  • Collectively, these technology-based systems will give NJDOT a wider range of capabilities to manage traffic during project construction and beyond.
    • Upgrade all 28 traffic signals along the corridor to a smart technology known as an adaptive traffic signal control system. This system will interconnect all traffic signals to collect real time traffic data and adapt traffic signalization to improve flow and reduce stops and backups.
    • Install new ITS fiber-optic cable throughout the project limits
    • Install new pedestrian countdown signals and pushbuttons at crosswalks.
    • Upgrade five closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras and install two new Dynamic Message Signs (DMS) at MP 0.50 and at MP 1.77. DMS will alert motorists of roadway incidents or congestion. Two existing DMS along the corridor will also be replaced.
  • Replace existing street lights with LED lighting fixtures and install additional lighting at signalized intersections.
Utility Improvements:
  • Replace 15,200 linear feet of PSE&G cast iron gas main with 18,000 linear feet of 24” steel gas main.
  • Replace 14,500 linear feet of New Jersey American Water (NJAW) water main
  • Relocation of approximately 120 utility poles to accommodate proposed sidewalk and curb ramps
What is the timeline of this project?
Click link below to see schedule/timeline, once improved the schedule/timeline will be included on this FAQ webpage: \\njdat\Projects\5585_NJ_NJDOT_RT70_RT38_to_Cropwell_Rd\200_Disciplines\211_Graphics\Website\Schedule\Route 70_Project_Timeline_Schedule_Webpage.docx
How can I participate in the development of this project?
The Public Involvement webpage will be updated with upcoming public involvement opportunities. NJDOT encourages community members to voice their concerns and contribute suggestions to the Project Team. To provide input or submit a question, contact:

Kimberley Nance, Regional Manager
New Jersey Department of Transportation
Office of Community Relations
1035 Parkway Avenue, P.O. Box 600
Trenton, New Jersey 08625
Phone: (609) 963-1989

What environmental impacts will this project cause?
The proposed project will result in the disturbance of freshwater wetlands, State open waters, transition areas, floodplains, and riparian zones. As such, the project was required to obtain an NJDEP Freshwater Wetland Individual Permit and NJDEP Flood Hazard Area Individual Permit. Please visit the Environmental Analysis webpage to read more information on the Categorical Exclusion Document’s analysis of social, economic, and environmental impacts.
What will be the traffic impacts due to construction and how do you plan to alleviate these changes?
NJDOT projects require a carefully planned, designed, and implemented construction traffic mitigation plan so that road users experience safe traffic flow through the project area with minimal delay or disruption. A Traffic Mitigation Plan was developed for the Route 70, Route 38 to Cooper Avenue project. Please visit the Traffic Mitigation webpage for this project read more information on traffic mitigation.
How will NJ TRANSIT bus routes be impacted by the project?
The construction work taking place within the outside lanes and shoulders of Route 70 will impact NJ Transit bus stops. NJ Transit will be notified when bus stops will be temporarily out of service. NJ Transit routes utilizing Route 70 include 406 and 450.
What will be the noise effects and are there any noise walls or barriers being put in place to minimize disruption?
Noise was analyzed for the Categorical Exclusion Document. It found that the project will cause temporary construction-related impacts only. Standard methods to minimize noise during construction are currently being determined.
How is emergency access being addressed throughout the Route 70, Route 38 to Cooper Avenue project area?
The safety and security of highway users is a paramount goal of NJDOT. During construction, access to all fire lanes will be maintained at all times during construction. Access to the Cherry Hill Township Fire Station 2 will be impacted by construction. As a result, Fire Station 2 will be temporarily closed during construction, and emergency services will be adjusted by the Township. Due to the addition of closed circuit TVs (CCTV) throughout the project limits, emergency response times should be improved and is currently being coordinated with local municipalities.
How will motorists be notified when construction is taking place that may alter their daily commute?
The community can stay up-to-date on project news by visiting this project website and following NJDOT on Facebook and Twitter(@NewJerseyDOT). During construction, there will be a real time work zone traffic monitoring system that will provide real time traffic and travel information to road users seven days a week, 365 days a year through NJDOT’s 511NJ Travel Information Services. 511NJ Travel Information Services can be accessed the through the following methods:

Additionally, portable variable message signs (VMS) located on Route 70 will give road users advance notice of detours and lane shifts. During construction, please visit the Construction Activities page to read information on construction progress.

Last updOctober 12, 2021 11:36 AM->->->->->->