Human Trafficking
What is it?
The New Jersey Human Trafficking Task Force (NJHTTF), as affiliated with the Attorney General and the Division of Criminal Justice (DCJ), defines trafficking in persons as modern day slavery. According to the NJHTTF brochure, "victims of human trafficking, men, women and children, can be exploited for the purpose of commercial sexual activity, including prostitution and pornography, as well as many types of forced labor, including domestic servitude and migrant agricultural work. Traffickers lure and control their victims through the use of force, fraud, or coercion, and employ techniques such as physical and psychological abuse, false employment offers, document holding, and isolation.” (NJHTTF Brochure)
What are the responsibilities of hotel/motel owners or managers?
N.J.S.A. 2C:13-12 and N.J.A.C. 5:10-29 require that specific hotel/motel employees be trained in recognizing and reporting human trafficking. These employees are those in hotel management, at the front desk or in registrations, in janitorial or housekeeping services or in hotel security. Training will include, but not limited to, a video that can be viewed in English (Alternate Link) and Spanish (Alternate Link).
A list of the names of the current employees and the dates when they viewed the video is required to be maintained with the hotel/motel’s records.
The owner of a hotel/motel (or manager acting as agent of the owner) is required to complete a certification on a form to be supplied by the Bureau attesting to the fact that all employees from above currently working have viewed the informational video. The form must be submitted with the application for a certificate of inspection required pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:10-1.12. In addition to this certification, the informational sheet (English/Spanish) on reporting suspected human trafficking is to be posted in conspicuous and visible locations in areas accessed by hotel employees including, but not limited to, laundry rooms and employee break rooms.
Quick Reference to Links Above
- Certification in Lieu of Affidavit form
- Informational sheet on reporting suspected human trafficking
- New Jersey Human Trafficking Task Force website
- N.J.A.C. 5:10-1.12 & 29
- NJHTTF Brochure
- N.J.S.A. 2C:13-12
- Notice of Information
- Training video