Each Committee/subcommittee is chaired by a member of the Task Force and includes public and private community-based organizations, and representatives of various State departments.
This committee analyzes state laws, policies, procedures and case practice. On the basis of this analysis, recommendations for change are made. The committee provides training and works with State departments, agencies, CP&P (formerly DYFS), law enforcement and the courts to implement the recommendations for improvement in the child protection system.
Meeting Minutes:
This committee mobilizes citizen and community groups in the development of prevention projects and model community support systems.
NJ Statewide Prevention Plan - Priorities and Strategies
2022 - 2025 Statewide Prevention Plan
New Jersey Standards for Prevention Programs
New Jersey Standards for Prevention Programs: Building Success through Family Support
Supporting Strong Families and Communities in New Jersey
Supporting Strong Families and Communities in New Jersey: Preventing Child Abuse & Neglect, 2014 - 2017
Meeting Minutes:
Under the legislation establishing DCF, the Staffing and Oversight Review Subcommittee will assume the responsibilities of CP&P Staffing and Outcomes Review Panel. The subcommittee shall review staffing levels of Child Protection and Permanency in order to develop recommendations regarding staffing levels and the most effective methods of recruiting, hiring, and retaining staff within the division.
Public Meeting Recordings / Transcripts:
Staffing and Oversight Review Subcommittee (SORS) Public Meeting -- |
Meeting Minutes:
The NJTFCAN Subcommittee on Poverty and Neglect was convened to examine ways in which the current operation of the child welfare system in New Jersey conflates poverty and neglect, and to examine ways in which racial inequities drive that conflation and are compunded by that conflation.
Public Meeting Recordings / Transcripts:
NJTFCAN Subcommittee on Poverty and Neglect -- |
Meeting Minutes: