On Oct. 9 and 10, the DEP hosted the 2018 New Jersey Coastal Resilience Summit: Charting a Course for the Future at Monmouth University’s historic Wilson Hall in West Long Branch. The Summit brought together about 200 experts, thought leaders, federal, state and community representatives in initial conversations as the DEP begins work on a Coastal Resilience Plan. The full agenda included presentations, which can be downloaded below, on the coastal economy, shoreline change and activities being done at the federal, state, and local level to improve coastal resilience in New Jersey. There were a few minor changes to the agenda, which are reflected below. Speaker bios are also available for reference.
The plan is intended to provide a road map for addressing the enormous challenges of supporting resilient and sustainable communities, our coastal economy and ecosystems protection in the face of changing climate, rising sea levels and the prospect of more intense and frequent coastal storms. Visit the Coastal Resilience Plan webpage for more information.
Tuesday, October 9th, 2018
Opening Remarks
Remarks: |
Steven M. Bachrach, Dean, Monmouth University School of Science*
Catherine McCabe, Commissioner, DEP
The State of the Coast: Climate Science and Shoreline Change
New Jersey’s coastal shoreline is a complex and dynamic system, and vital to the state’s communities, economy, and character. These issues are made all the more complicated by expected impacts from climate change and sea level rise, which will permanently alter our shoreline. This session introduced these issues to inform ongoing conversations. |
Planning for the Future: Resilient Coastal Economies
New Jersey’s coastal zone is one of the primary drivers of the states’s economy. This session described the coastal economy’s importance as well as trends to be considered for planning. The coastal economy was also framed as part of a comprehensive consideration of broader economic transformations affecting the state. |
Coastal Resilience: Legislative and Policy Perspectives
Representative Frank Pallone and Ms. Kathleen Frangione are recognized leaders in coastal and environmental issues. This session explored the importance of leadership in resilience and opportunities for policy changes at the national and state level. |
Discussants: |
Catherine McCabe, Commissioner, DEP
Representative Frank Pallone and Kathleen Frangione, Chief Policy Advisor, Office of the Governor |
A Flooding Adaptation Standard for New Jersey
Many states have adopted sea level rise and other flooding standards to guide resilience decisions. This session summarized overview of standards in place and underway in other states and a discussion of how that information might inform development of a SLR standard in New Jersey. |
Framework for Natural and Nature-Based Resilience
Natural and nature-based features define a large swatch of New Jersey’s coastal zone and are the foundation of significant pieces of the state economy. They can also provide significant resilience benefits. Under what circumstances should these features be considered for resilience? What are the benefits and limitations of green infrastructure? What should a green infrastructure prioritization framework consist of to consider the goals of protecting, restoring, and enhancing natural coastal resources of the state? |
Flood Project Possibilities Here and Abroad
Dutch officials and hydrology experts have for many years focused on implementing flood control systems for disaster avoidance. This session discussed traditional flood mitigation infrastructure options employed in the U.S. in comparison to those employed in the Netherlands and how similar disaster avoidance systems may be implemented in New Jersey. |
Planning for the Future: Innovative Community Actions
Local and regional actions can serve as ground-breaking models of innovative, effective regional strategies to protect vulnerable resources that are critical to the economic, social, and environmental character of the state. A similar, forward- thinking approach is needed to respond to the considerable climate change risks New Jersey faces, particularly as storm events and sea-level rise regularly threaten our coastal and riverine communities. |
The State of the Coast: Climate Science and Shoreline Change
New Jersey’s coastal zone is one of the primary drivers of the states’s economy. This session described the coastal economy’s importance as well as trends to be considered for planning. The coastal economy was also framed as part of a comprehensive consideration of broader economic transformations affecting the state. |
Wednesday, October 10th, 2018
Federal Agency Partnerships Improving Resilience
The actions of federal agencies have a significant impact on the resilience of New Jersey’s coastal resources and communities. Coordination and cooperation between these agencies and with the state is vitally important. Representatives from federal agencies are invited to speak about resilience actions they have taken in the state, with a particular emphasis on successes that were improved by partnerships with others. |
Presenters: |
Ginger Kopkash, Assistant Commissioner, DEP
Joseph Seebode, Deputy District Engineer, USACE NY District
Mike Moriarty, Director of Mitigation and Federal Insurance, FEMA
Mark Osler, Senior Advisor for Coastal Inundation and Resilience, NOAA National Ocean Service
Amanda Bassow, Director, Northeastern Regional Office, NFWF |
The Public Trust and Waterfront Access
The public’s right to access tidal waters and their shorelines, embodied in the Public Trust Doctrine, has existed prior to the inception of the State of New Jersey and continues to this day. What are the current and future challenges that must be addressed, and how to continue to promote waterfront access in the face of a changing climate? |
Presenters: |
Ken Pringle, Esq., Pringle Quinn Anzano, PC
David Apy, Esq., N.J. Assistant Attorney General
Tim Dillingham, Executive Director, American Littoral Society |
Regional Ocean Management: Resilient Ecosystems and Economies
The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body have developed a Regional Ocean Action Plan and data portal to inform the extensive and significant uses of our ocean resources. The resilience of these resources and continued cooperative use is vital to the economy of New Jersey, the region, and the country. |
A Seat at the Table: Inclusion of Socially Vulnerable Communities
The engagement of socially vulnerable populations is an often overlooked, yet critical part, of resiliency planning initiatives. What are the actionable strategies, educational tools, and coastal policies that can be developed to address the needs of socially vulnerable populations? |
Healthy Estuaries and Coastal Marshes
New Jersey’s coastal zone includes three National Estuary Programs, a National Estuarine Research Reserve, and the globally important Raritan-Hudson estuary. What are the unique issues and innovative responses to coastal hazards being tried in these vital areas? |
Presenters: |
Mike DeLuca, Senior Associate Director, Office of Research, Rutgers University
Lisa Auermuller, Assistant Manager, JC NERR
Stan Hales, Program Director, Barnegat Bay Partnership
Jennifer Adkins, Executive Director, Partnership for the Delaware Estuary
Rob Pirani, Program Director, NY/NJ Harbor and Estuary Program
Offshore Wind: Maximizing Opportunity and Protecting Resources
The State of New Jersey is updating its energy master plan. There is significant effort being put forth to maximize wind as a renewable and clean energy source. What is the status of the state’s efforts to obtain offshore wind energy? What is the process moving forward? How can the use of offshore wind help mitigate the impacts of climate change on our coastal zone? |
*Change from final agenda