Subcommittee on Ecological Flows (SEF) - RFAC Subcommittee
Subcommittee Information

SEF Re-Established

In March 2018, the DRBC adopted a resolution to re-establish the Subcommittee on Ecological Flows (SEF), a subcommittee of the Regulated Flow Advisory Committee (RFAC). The SEF will report to the RFAC, providing scientific and technical information and advice about ecological flow goals and the effect of flow management programs on habitat and ecological health.

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SEF Objectives

To provide scientifically-based information and recommendations to the RFAC, as requested, regarding:

  • Flows for the maintenance of healthy aquatic ecosystems, including consideration of water quality impacts over a range of regulated flows;

  • Sensitive species that could be impacted by regulated flows;

  • Flow regimes, thermal mitigation, and flow change mitigation;

  • The effects of existing and proposed regulated flows on habitat and ecological health; and

  • Such other, related matters as the RFAC may deem necessary or appropriate.

RFAC Charge to SEF

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Subcommittee Meeting Agendas/Info