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- Upcoming Advisory Committee Meetings
- Advisory Committee Openings
- Advisory Committee on Climate Change (ACCC)
- Flood Advisory Committee (FAC)
- Monitoring Advisory and Coordination Committee (MACC)
- Regulated Flow Advisory Committee (RFAC)
- Subcommittee on Ecological Flows (SEF) - RFAC Subcommittee
- Toxics Advisory Committee (TAC)
- Water Management Advisory Committee (WMAC)
- Subcommittee on Source Water Protection (SSWP) - WMAC Subcommittee
- Water Quality Advisory Committee (WQAC)
As noted below, DRBC will be periodically accepting applications from interested parties to fill the posted “non-reserved” positions on its advisory committees. Please note that the Regulated Flow Advisory Committee does not include non-reserved members, so it is not included in the below table.
All candidates, including current members seeking reappointment, are asked to submit a resume and a cover letter stating their interest and qualifications to the Committee Liaison. All candidates are urged to familiarize themselves with the purpose of the committee – stated in the enabling Resolution for the committee of interest - as well as the Committee’s Practices and Procedures as posted on the respective committee webpages.
Committee | Member Represents |
Term | Application Deadline |
Committee |
Advisory Committee on Climate Change |
Looking for members from any of the following four (4) sectors: |
2-year Term ending August 2026 |
January 21, 2025 | Kristen Bowman Kavanagh, P.E. 609-477-7221 |
Flood Advisory Committee |
Amy Shallcross, P.E. 609-477-7232 |
Monitoring Advisory & Coordination Committee |
Elaine Panuccio 609-477-7307 |
Toxics Advisory Committee | Jeremy Conkle, Ph.D. 609-477-7252 |
Water Management Advisory Committee |
Environmental Organization |
5-yr Term Starting July 2025; Env. Org. Term Starts When Filled |
Open Until Filled |
Michael Thompson, P.E. 609-477-7226 |
Subcommittee on Source Water Protection (WMAC Subcommittee) |
Drinking Water Utility eligible members (see Resolution 2024-05) |
No term limits for members |
Rolling; any water utility in DRB or gets water from DnR Canal welcome to join |
Chad Pindar, P.E. 609-477-7268 |
Water Quality Advisory Committee |
John Yagecic, P.E. 609-477-7271 |
2016 Resolution
On March 16, 2016, the Commissioners approved a Resolution for the Minutes Establishing Consistent Practices Relating to Membership, Record-Keeping and "Green" Meetings for DRBC Advisory Committees (pdf 86 KB). All members serve at the pleasure of the Executive Director and the Commissioners.
Reserved Positions: Advisory Committee positions assigned (per the Commission resolution establishing the advisory committee) to a federal, state or regional government agency or a specific organization are hereinafter referred to as "Reserved" positions, are filled through coordination with the agency or organization to which each is assigned and have no prescribed duration.
Non-Reserved Positions: All other positions are "Non-Reserved" or "Other" and those positions will be filled as needed following public advertisement on the DRBC website following the process defined in the RESOLUTION of March 16, 2016.
Copyright © Delaware River Basin Commission,
P.O. Box 7360, West Trenton, NJ 08628-0360
Phone (609)883-9500; Fax (609)883-9522
Thanks to NJ for hosting the DRBC website