- The New Jersey Strategic Plan for Preschool Expansion Phase I: The Foundation
- Attendance in Early Childhood Education
- Curricular Enhancement Guidance
- Field Trip Guidance for Preschool
- Graduation/Preschool Celebrations
- Home Language Survey
- Identifying, Serving and Supporting Homeless
- Mixed Delivery Systems
- Naptime
- Planning for Holiday Activities and Celebrations
- Planning for Meal and Snack Times in Preschool Programs
- Planning for Pre-Referral Support, Screening and Referral Services in Preschool
- Preschool Instructional Coach (PIC) and Preschool Intervention and Referral Specialist (PIRS) Information
- Preschool Program Comprehensive Educational Component
- Preschool Student Suspension/Expulsion Guidance
- Role of the Preschool Instructional Coach (Revised Oct. 2022)
- Registration and Enrollment of Head Start Students
- The Role and Design of an Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC) (pptx)
- Technology Guidance
- Toileting in Preschool
- Waiver of family worker ratio and use of Title One
- Districts Eligible for Preschool Expansion Excel Spreadsheet
- 2024-2025 Preschool Expansion Notice of Funding Opportunity
- 2024-2025 Provider Budget Planning Workbook
- 2024-2025 PEA Planning Workbook
- 2023-2024 New Jersey State-Funded Preschool Programs by County and District
- 2024-2025 Child Care Contract
- 2024-2025 Head Start Contract
- Certification Acknowledging Modification
- 2024-2025 Contract Amendment Guidance Memo
- 2024-2025 Contract FAQ Guidance
- 2022-2023 Application for Preschool Expansion Aid
- 2022-2023 Provider Cover Memo
- 2022-2023 Private Provider Budget Expenditure Guidance
- 2022-2023 Private Provider Budget Planning Workbook
- Preschool Expansion Aid for Transportation
- Funding for Preschool Students with Disabilities
- Using Title I
Connect4Learning | The Creative Curriculum® | HighScope Preschool Curriculum | Tools of the Mind |
- Setting Up to Support Children's Learning (YouTube video) (transcript)
- Intentional Teaching and Supporting Literacy (YouTube video) (transcript)
- Exploring Math Everyday (YouTube video) (transcript)