Careers in Direct Care and Service
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The Direct Care and Service Workforce is critical to the lives of people with disabilities and those who are aging. The demand for these jobs is growing fast and will continue to increase in years to come. This workforce is essential to providing the supports individuals need to live healthy, active, and engaged lives in the community. From helping with personal, health, and home care to providing support with community activities, workers in these roles make a difference!
If you are interested pursuing a rewarding career, please check out the information on this site to learn more and to find jobs in your area.
Direct Support Professionals
Support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to participate in home and community life while promoting well-being.
Learn More about Direct Support ProfessionalsCertified Home Health Aides
Assist adults over 60, children and adults with disabilities or chronic medical conditions to live in their homes by supporting daily activities.
Learn More about Certified Home Health AidesHighlighted Resources
Child Care
There is so much to think about when choosing child care
NJ FamilyCare
New Jersey’s publicly funded health insurance program
NJ Helps
See if you are eligible for food assistance, cash assistance, and health insurance
Child Support
There are now more ways to pay child support
NJ Able
Giving those with disabilities the ability to save
Department of Labor & Workforce Development
Know your rights for all New Jersey workers
Emotional support, information and assistance
Office of New Americans
Supporting new Americans through outreach and education
Addiction help 24/7
Register Ready
New Jersey’s special needs registry for disasters
Resources Guide
A comprehensive directory of programs and services
Suicide and crisis lifeline
This website is supported by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $5,000,000 with a portion funded by CMS/HHS to the New Jersey Department of Human Services, Money Follows the Person Demonstration. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by CMS/HHS, or the U.S. Government.