- Commission, Councils and Committees
- SETC Commission
- Membership
- Minutes
- Apprenticeship Committee
- Governance Committee
- Disability Issues Committee
- Council on Gender Parity in Labor and Education
- Performance Committee
- SCALES - State Council for Adult Literacy Education Services
- Shared Youth Vision Council
- NJ Advanced Manufacturing Council
- NJ Businesses
- Organized Labor
- Local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs)
SETC Commission
The SETC partners with business, employers and job seekers, organized labor, and state and county agencies to set policy, develop plans and evaluate system performance to enhance the workforce for the economic viability of New Jersey.
The SETC identifies and analyzes critical issues relating to workforce readiness and provides policy guidance to the Governor and to state professionals in the fields of employment, training and education; supports innovative programs that advance collaboration among governmental agencies; and, reports to the Governor on the progress that has been made and the issues that must be addressed in the area of employment, training and education.
The SETC, also referred to as the Commission, meets on a quarterly basis. The meetings are open to the public and are generally held in locations in central New Jersey. Due to the recent pandemic, the Commission meetings are now being held online. Please see the meeting dates document below for details.
SETC Meeting Dates 2024 [pdf 249kb]
SETC Member Handbook [pdf 646kb]
SETC Orientation - May 31, 2023
SETC Commission Meeting - June 1, 2022
An online Commission meeting was hosted for SETC members, stakeholders and public attendees on Wednesday, June 1, 2022:
- Webinar Recording of SETC Meeting 6/1/2022 [mp4 273Mb]
- PowerPoint Presentation for SETC Meeting 6/1/2022 [pdf 1,481 kb]
SETC Commission Meeting - April 6, 2022
An online Commission meeting was hosted for SETC members, stakeholders and public attendees on Wednesday, April 6, 2022:
- Webinar Recording of SETC Meeting 4/6/2022 [mp4 273Mb]
- PowerPoint Presentation for SETC Meeting 4/6/2022 [pdf 3,294 kb]
SETC Commission Meeting - February 2, 2022
An online Commission meeting was hosted for SETC members, stakeholders and public attendees on Wednesday, February 2, 2022:
SETC Commission Meeting - November 17, 2021
An online Commission meeting was hosted for SETC members, stakeholders and public attendees on Wednesday, November 17, 2021:
- Webinar Recording of SETC Meeting 11/17/2021 [mp4 195Mb]
- PowerPoint Presentation for SETC Meeting 11/17/2021 [pdf 2.3Mb]
SETC Commission Meeting - September 15, 2021
An online Commission meeting was hosted for SETC members, stakeholders and public attendees on Wednesday, September 15, 2021:
- Webinar Recording of SETC Meeting 9/15/2021 [mp4 187Mb]
- PowerPoint Presentation for SETC Meeting 9/15/2021 [pdf 745kb]
SETC Commission Meeting - June 2, 2021
An online Commission meeting was hosted for SETC members, stakeholders and public attendees on Wednesday, June 2, 2021:
- Webinar Recording of SETC Meeting 6/2/2021 [mp4 235Mb]
- PowerPoint Presentation for SETC Meeting 6/2/2021 [pdf 2.1Mb]
SETC Commission Meeting - April 7, 2021
An online Commission meeting was hosted for SETC members, stakeholders and public attendees on Wednesday, April 7, 2021:
SETC Commission Meeting - February 3, 2021
An online Commission meeting was hosted for SETC members, stakeholders and public attendees on Wednesday, February 3, 2021:
SETC Commission Meeting - November 17, 2020
An online Commission meeting was hosted for SETC members, stakeholders and public attendees on Tuesday, November 17, 2020:
- Webinar Recording of SETC Meeting 11/17/2020 [mp4 204Mb]
- PowerPoint Presentation for SETC Meeting 11/17/2020 [pdf 1.7Mb]
SETC Commission Meeting - September 17, 2020
An online Commission meeting was hosted for SETC members, stakeholders and public attendees on Thursday, September 17, 2020:
- Webinar Recording of SETC Meeting 9/17/2020 [mp4 196Mb]
- PowerPoint Presentation for SETC Meeting 9/17/2020 [pdf 2.8Mb]
SETC Commission Meeting - June 25, 2020
An online Commission meeting was hosted for SETC members, stakeholders and public attendees on Thursday, June 25, 2020:
- Webinar Recording of SETC Meeting 6/25/2020 [mp4 172Mb]
- PowerPoint Presentation for SETC Meeting 6/25/2020 [pdf 2.2Mb]
SETC Information Session - May 5, 2020
A GoTo Meeting webinar was hosted for SETC members and stakeholders on Tuesday, May 5, 2020:
- Webinar Recording of SETC Info Session 5/5/2020 [mp4 109Mb]