Traffic & Public Safety Office

Duties include:

  • Explore and develop new traffic safety programs, analyze the effectiveness of current traffic programs, and develop techniques to improve program efficiency.
  • Chair the statewide Safe Passage Task Force.
  • Act as a liaison between the Division of State Police and the Division of Highway Traffic Safety.
  • Coordinate and monitor all statewide crash training courses for police officers within the state.
  • This Safe Corridor Liaison will assist in providing for safe passage and corridor protection for all persons traveling within the state of New Jersey.
  • Coordinate the collection, analysis and sharing of crash data.
  • Provide weekly fatal crash statistics to the public and other agencies.

The Office is comprised of the following Units:

Highway Traffic Safety Unit

  • Acts as Liaison between the Division of State Police and other state and local police agencies for the Division of Highway Traffic Safety.
  • Administers the Traffic Training Officer Grant (Crash Investigation Schools).
  • Identifies new grant programs that are beneficial to the police agencies throughout the State.
  • Enhances the skills of police officers throughout the State of New Jersey in the area of crash investigation by providing them with the most up-to-date and technical training offered in the field.

Fatal Accident Investigation Unit

  • Respond to fatal accidents upon the request of the initial investigating authority or county prosecutor's office.
  • Provide technical assistance to State, County, and Local law enforcement agencies.
  • Review, analyze, and submit recommendations concerning all fatal accidents to the Driver Improvement and Control Section of the Division of Motor Vehicles.
  • Maintain a computer data base of fatal accident information used to prepare an annual statistical summary and comparative data publication on New Jersey fatal motor vehicle accidents and fatalities.
  • Coordinate the collection of fatal accident information with the Fatality Analysis Recording System (F.A.R.S.) Unit, Division of Highway Traffic Safety, and the Fatal Accident Review Unit, Division of Motor Vehicles, Department of Transportation.
  • Assist in the administration and enforcement of the Motor Vehicle Race Track Regulations as set forth in N.J.S.A. 5:7-8 et seq., Motor Vehicle Racing and N.J.A.C. 13:62, Motor Vehicle Race Tracks.
  • Ensure compliance with racetrack regulations at race events.
  • Investigate serious and fatal crashes and incidents occurring at race events.
  • License race tracks throughout the state.
  • Inspect race tracks prior to and during events to ensure that all safety requirements are operational and in place.
  • Maintain records and statistics for the racing industry.
  • Research applications for rule modifications.
  • Coordinate Civilian Advisory Board that periodically meets to discuss pertinent racing issues.
  • Formulate, amend and re-adopt Chapter 62, the Motor Vehicle Race Track Rules.

Safe Corridor Unit

  • Serve as a liaison between the Department of Transportation, the Division of State Police and other various law enforcement agencies statewide.
  • Assist the Department of Transportation with any highway safety research where law enforcement participation is necessary or beneficial.
  • Coordinate/facilitate law enforcement and traffic safety workshops.
  • Plan and implement law enforcement strategies to meet specific Department of Transportation safety program needs.
  • Coordinate with other law enforcement agencies when conducting multi-jurisdictional, high-visibility enforcement efforts for the Department of Transportation.
  • Serve as a public-relations contact when such enforcement efforts are conducted.
  • “Safe Corridors” coordinator.

The Safe Passage Corridor Unit is comprised of Squads:

Analysis Squad

  • Oversee the training and certification of operators and instructors for the radar, laser, DWI, and fifth wheel programs.
  • Coordinate the C.A.R.E. / National Holiday Reports during holiday periods.
  • Coordinate and report data for the Division’s Holiday Safety Programs.
  • Provide information to management for use in formulating and evaluating the effectiveness of the traffic safety effort and programs within the division.
  • Maintain cooperative relationships with other state and local law enforcement agencies.

Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission

  • Serve as a liaison between the Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission, the Pennsylvania State Police, and the Division of State Police.
  • Assist in the development and coordination of in-service training for DRJTBC employees (Traffic Safety, Work Zone Safety, and N.J. State Police Policy and Procedures).
  • Facilitate communication between the respective station commanders to ensure that they are aware of incidents and growing trends.
  • Improve upon established protocol and develop new strategies to enhance the services provided to the commission.
  • Perform vulnerability assessments of DRJTBC property.
  • Coordinate highway safety details in conjunction with DRJTBC construction projects to ensure the safety of the motoring public.
  • Provide the DRJTBC with statistical data related to law enforcement activities conducted on or relating to commission property.

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New Jersey State Police