Marine Services Bureau

Infant safety

Infants, Kids, and Safe Boating

The summer boating season is here! If you’re planning on taking the little ones out
on the water please ensure that all children 12 and under wear a properly fitted
United States Coast Guard approved Personal Flotation Device (PFD) when
the vessel is underway.
Also, the United States Coast Guard recommends that an infant should not travel on a boat until they weigh at least 18 pounds and can wear
a properly fitted PFD. The New Jersey State Police Marine Services Bureau recommends that ALL occupants try their PFD on for proper fit, before getting underway!

A child’s PFD must fit snugly! To check for a good fit, pick the child up by the
shoulders of the PFD, and if it fits correctly, the child’s chin and ears will not slip through. A loosely fitted lifejacket could easily slip off over a child’s head leading
to a tragedy.

Toddler safety

Infant life jackets have a built in “heads up” cushion with a loop handle at the top,
along with a strap that goes between the legs (to keep the jacket from slipping off
over the child’s head). They are intended to fit snug and they must be stamped as being Coast Guard Approved!!

Boats should NOT have child safety seats fastened as they are in a motor vehicle. Fastening a child safety seat to a vessel can place a child at risk of drowning if the vessel were to capsize or overturn.

Finally, please remember that the violent motions of a boat can injure a newborn's neck and head. Therefore, you should never take a baby on the water before
they're able to hold their head up. Also, it is very difficult for an infant to regulate
body temperature. If it's hot out, the heat can easily put stress on the child, while
the exposure to the sun can also be dangerous for an infant.

The New Jersey State Police Marine Services Bureau wants you, your family, and children to create happy memories this summer and stay SAFE out on the water!

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