As a result of the passing of P.L. 2025, c. 20, the number of signatures required on a nominating petition have changed. The new number signatures that are required for a nominating petition will take effect immediately. Further, “[a]ny petition signatures collected by a candidate for office to be voted for at the 2025 primary election utilizing the petition forms published by the Secretary of State prior to the effective date of P.L. 2025, c. 20 . . . shall not be subject to a petition challenge based upon the use of a form published by the Secretary of State prior to the effective date of P.L. 2025, c. 20.”
The 2025 Petitions have been amended and are available for download. Please use the link below to download them:
Download Petitions
The 2025 Primary Election has been rescheduled. Please view the official notice for further details.
Registered voters can apply for a vote-by-mail ballot by following the instructions found at VOTE.NJ.GOV or contacting their County Clerk.
Then, VOTE and RETURN your ballot one of the following ways...
This new option enables all registered voters to cast their ballot in person, using a voting machine, during in-person early voting period prior to Election Day. You can now choose to vote, in person, when it’s most convenient for your schedule.
No matter where you live in the county, you can vote your specific ballot at any of your county’s designated in-person early voting locations. Find your county’s locations at VOTE.NJ.GOV.
In-Person Early Voting for both the Primary Election and the General Election. Early voting locations will be open from at least 10 am to 8 pm on Mondays through Saturdays, and from at least 10 am to 6 pm on Sundays. No appointment is necessary. Accommodations will be made for voters with disabilities.
Vote in person at your polling place, from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
Accommodations will be made for voters with disabilities.
Go to VOTE.NJ.GOV for your polling place, listed on the Polling Locations page.
Each NJ county will hold in-person machine voting. Each county, depending on its size will designate a minimum of 3 to 10 voting locations for early in-person voting purposes. Early voting polling locations will be open from at least 10 am to 8 pm on Mondays through Saturdays, and from at least 10 am to 6 pm on Sundays.
Voters will also be able to return their vote-by-mail ballots early at a secure ballot drop box, via mail, or in person to their Board of Elections office. Dropbox locations can be found here on the New Jersey Voter Information Portal.
In the Primary Election you may vote for the candidate(s) of your choice representing the party in which you are registered. NJ recognizes the Democrat and Republican parties. You may only vote for the number of candidate(s) permitted for the office that you are casting a vote for. Example – Senate - Vote for One- you may only vote for one. Voting for more than one creates an “Over Vote” which disqualifies the vote cast for that office. Please remember to check the back and any additional pages of your ballot to ensure that you have reviewed all offices up for election.
If you are an unaffiliated voter (a voter that has not declared a party) you may be eligible to vote in the Primary Election. You must declare a party when voting at your polling location or select one ballot, Democrat or Republican, if voting by mail.
In a General Election you do not have to vote for the candidate(s) of the same party.
Please remember to check the back and any additional pages of your ballot to ensure that you have reviewed all offices up for election and any ballot questions.
Any Bearer Ballots that exceed the limit must be REJECTED. If the Bearer is hand-delivering the ballot to the county Board of Elections, then he/she MUST SHOW ID AND SIGN the Bearer Book. It is against the law for anyone except you, the voter, to mail or transport your ballot unless the outer envelope is sealed and the “Bearer Portion” is completed.
Page Last Updated: 1/16/25
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