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The Hon. Tahesha Way, Lt. Governor and Secretary of State

New Jersey Voter Information Portal

Department of State, Division of Elections
Voting Questions? Call 1-877-NJ-VOTER (1-877-658-6837)

Important Notice: Number of Petition Signatures Amended

As a result of the passing of P.L. 2025, c. 20, the number of signatures required on a nominating petition have changed. The new number signatures that are required for a nominating petition will take effect immediately. Further, “[a]ny petition signatures collected by a candidate for office to be voted for at the 2025 primary election utilizing the petition forms published by the Secretary of State prior to the effective date of P.L. 2025, c. 20 . . . shall not be subject to a petition challenge based upon the use of a form published by the Secretary of State prior to the effective date of P.L. 2025, c. 20.”

The new number of signatures required for a Primary Election candidate for the Office of Governor is 2,500. For the Office of General Assembly, the new required number is 250.
The new number of signatures required for a General Election candidate for the Office of Governor is 2,000. For the Office of General Assembly, the new required number is 250.

The 2025 Petitions have been amended and are available for download. Please use the link below to download them:
Download Petitions

Important Notice: 2025 Primary Election Rescheduled

The 2025 Primary Election has been rescheduled. Please view the official notice for further details.

NJ Division of Elections

Voter Rights and Accessibility Information

Voting Right Restoration - Voting Rights of Ex-Felons in New Jersey

If you are not serving a sentence of incarceration as the result of a conviction of any indictable offense under the laws of this or another state or of the United States…, you CAN vote in NJ by completing a new voter registration form. If you have any questions, contact your County Commissioner of Registration.

Voter Restoration Handbook - Restore Your Right to Vote in New Jersey

Voter Accessibility

Voter Report Form for Polling Place Accessibility Concerns
Use this simple form to electronically submit detailed descriptions of any difficulties you might have experienced while voting and/or accessing your polling location.

Disability Etiquette

With the passage of the "Help America Vote Act of 2002" states are required to actively integrate persons with disabilities into the electoral process. To assist State Board of Elections in this process, The United Spinal Association, a national veterans service and disability rights organization, has produced the booklet titled Disability Etiquette. This booklet was designed to help its readers in becoming more aware of what is appropriate conduct when interacting with a person with a disability.

Disability Etiquette booklet

Voting Advisory Accessibility Committee

Public Law 2005 Ch. 146, which took effect on July 12, 2005, states that a voting advisory committee must be established by the county executive or governing body and shall be composed of 7-11 members. The membership of this committee must be composed of 4 county election board members and 3 public members; a representative of the county executive or governing body, at least one person with a disability, and at least one person with ADA training. The committee would be responsible for physically inspecting each polling place with the assistance of a member with a disability.

The committee shall consult with the county board of elections in reference to any inaccessible polling places within the county. The committee shall also receive notice from the Division of Elections of any complaints regarding inaccessible polling places. The voting accessibility advisory committee will also be responsible for filing the polling place report, including a list of any inaccessible polling places, with the Office of the Secretary of State/Division of Elections and the county board of elections by May 15 of each year. This report will be reviewed by the Secretary of State by July 1 of each year.




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