Department of Transportation

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Safe Streets to Transit

Grant Announcement: Safe Streets to Transit 2025
FY2025 Grant Solicitation Announcement: Municipal Aid, Bikeways, Safe Street to Transit, Transit Village

Application Deadline FY 2025: July 1, 2024

NJDOT Announced the grant solicitation period for Fiscal Year 2025 State Aid programs is open. Starting April 29, 2024 applications will be accepted for Municipal Aid, Bikeways, Safe Street to Transit, and Transit Village programs through July 1, 2024.

In 2006, the State of New Jersey announced a comprehensive Pedestrian Safety Initiative. One element of that initiative administered by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) is the Safe Streets to Transit (SSTT) program. This program provides funding to counties and municipalities in improving access to transit facilities and all nodes of public transportation. The objectives of the SSTT program are:
  • To improve the overall safety and accessibility for mass transit riders walking to transit facilities.
  • To encourage mass transit users to walk to transit stations.
  • To facilitate the implementation of projects and activities that will improve safety in the vicinity of transit facilities (approximately one-half mile for pedestrian improvements).
Annually, NJDOT announces the availability of grant funds to counties and municipalities. Application for this program is made through the System for Administering Grants Electronically (SAGE). All applications are reviewed, evaluated and prioritized by the Safe Street to Transit Review Committee. A recommendation is made for final approval by the Commissioner of Transportation.

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Last updated date: February 26, 2020 10:56 AM