Inspection Checklists
Solid Waste Inspection Checklists
These checklists include Recycling and Reclamation Facilities, Solid Waste Facilities, Utilities, Regulated Medical Waste Handlers, Transporters, and various other miscellaneous checklists. |
Generic Air Inspection Checklist
This is a generic checklist which can be used to help identify if there are any equipment which may be regulated by the NJDEP air pollution rules and regulations. |
Hazardous Waste Generators and Transporters Inspection Checklists
If you know you need to comply with the requirements of (N.J.A.C. 7:26G-6 et seq.,) for hazardous waste generators and transporters or you don't know but think you might need to comply, look here. |
School Laboratory Chemical Storage Checklist
This is a checklist that is being used by all particpating CEHA agencies who are conducting inspections under the School Laboratory Chemical Storage Compliance Assistance Program. It can be used by schools to help identify chemical management issues. |