Training and Certification
New Jersey’s program to certify operators of water supply and wastewater systems is the oldest in the nation, dating back to 1918. In recent years, the most substantial changes to the program have been 1) the requirement that all public community and non-transient, non-community public water systems have a licensed operator, 2) the creation of the Very Small Water System (VSWS) License, and 3) the requirement that all licenseholders obtain continuing education for license renewal.
The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund provides set-aside funds for the drinking water operator certification program. The Bureau of Safe Drinking Water has utilized these funds to provide for free and/or reduced cost training to operators for continuing education through agreements with Rutgers University, the New Jersey Water Association, and the New Jersey Section of the American Water Works Association. We also have a program to reimburse costs to individuals taking the Introductory or Advanced required courses.
Operations and Maintenance