Water Allocation and Registrations
A Water Allocation Permit is required for the diversion of ground and/or surface water in excess of 100,000* gallons per day for a period of more than 30 days in a 365 consecutive day period, for purposes other than agriculture, aquaculture or horticulture. This includes water diversions for public water supply, industrial processing and cooling, irrigation, sand and gravel operations, remediation, power generation, and other uses. For these use types diversion limits are set within a Water Allocation Permit, Water Use Registration, or Permit-by-Rule.
A Water Use Registration is required for any person with the capability to divert in excess of 100,000* gallons of water per day, but who diverts less than this quantity.
* At the 100,000 gallons per day threshold additional approvals for water diversion may be required by the Delaware River Basin Commission and the New Jersey Pineland Commission. Diversions within the Highlands Preservation Area have a regulatory threshold of 50,000 gallons of water per day. Please refer to the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act for additional information.
Water Allocation Permits
Water Conservation & Drought Plans
Permit Application Progress/Status
Diversion Monitoring and Reporting
Guidance and Information
USGS Resources You May Need |