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water towerYour Utility and Its Water Quality

Drinking Water Watch - This database is searchable by water system ID number, system name, or (if you don't know ID number or name) by county and municipality, to identify all systems serving that area. You can obtain background information about the water system (e.g., water licenses required; general contacts; which systems it buys water from or sells water to, if any; population and number of service connections), the facilities it has, water monitoring schedules, a wide variety of water quality information (total coliform bacteria results; monitoring results for individual chemicals; Consumer Confidence reports; disinfectant residuals, how much chlorine or other disinfectant is found in the distribution system; turbidity; FANL schedules), and enforcement data (violations; site visits by regulators; compliance inspections).

System Contacts, Which Systems Serve Which Places

Violation reports

This report of violations of drinking water standards, monitoring requirements, and treatment technique rules is published annually by the Division. It provides the numbers of such violations overall and by type, as well as which individual water systems had those violations for that calendar year.
2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
2013 2012
2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996

2021 Water Purveyor Report Card

This dashboard serves as the report card required by the 2021 Water Quality Accountability Act Amendments (P.L. 2021 c.262). The dashboard shows information submitted to the Department by water purveyors (public community water systems with more than 500 service connections) pursuant to requirements in the WQAA, and the Safe Drinking Water Act. More detailed water quality data for these water systems, and water systems not subject to the WQAA is available at Drinking Water Watch.


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Last Updated: July 17, 2024