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cranberriesAgricultural, Aquacultural, and Horticultural Water Use Certifications & Registrations

An Agricultural Water Usage Certification or Agricultural Water Use Registration must be obtained from the County agricultural agent if a person has the capability to divert ground and/or surface water in excess of 100,000* gallons per day for agricultural, aquacultural or horticultural purposes.

An Agricultural Water Use Registration is required for any person with the capability to divert in excess of 100,000* gallons of water per day, but who diverts less than this quantity.

* At the 100,000 gallons per day threshold additional approvals for water diversion may be required by the Delaware River Basin Commission and the New Jersey Pinelands Commission.  According to N.J.A.C. 7:38-2.5(c) Agricultural, Aquicultural and Horticultural diversions within the Highlands Preservation Area have a regulatory threshold of 100,000 gallons of water per day based on N.J.A.C. 7:20A. Please refer to the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act for additional information.

Agricultural Water Use Certifications & Registrations

Certification and Registration Application Progress

Diversion Monitoring and Reporting

Guidance and Information

USGS Resources You May Need

Agricultural Contacts

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Last Updated: July 11, 2024