Water Supply Advisory Council (WSAC)
P.L. 1981, Chapter 262, also
known as the Water Supply Management Act was
enacted by the Senate and General Assembly concerning
the management of water in New Jersey and ensuring
an adequate water supply for its residents. Also
established by this Act was the Water Supply
Advisory Council (WSAC), which advises the Department
concerning the next iteration of the New Jersey
State Water Supply Plan (NJSWSP) and other related
water supply resource issues. At this time, the
WSAC is consists of eleven members who are appointed
by the Governor with the consent of the Senate.
The eleven representatives include the agricultural
community, industrial and commercial water users,
residential waters users, private watershed protection
associations, academic community, golf course
superintendents of NJ, and two members each from
investor-owned water companies and municipal
or county water companies along with a representative
of the nursery/landscapers/irrigation contractors
WSAC Membership Statute
NJDEP is currently in the process of updating the New Jersey Statewide Water Supply Plan. To learn more and get involved in assisting NJDEP as it develops this key document, click here.
The following list is the individuals
that comprise the WSAC along with the group(s)
that they represent:
Vacant (Residential Water Users), Acting
Jennifer Coffey (Private Watershed Protection Associations), Acting
Norman Nelson, P.E., C.M.E. (Industrial and Commercial Water Users), Co-chair
Steve Blankenship (Municipal or County Water Company), Chairman
Dave Specca (Agricultural Community)
Kareem Adeem (Municipal or County Water Company), Acting
Darren Stanker (Nursery, Landscape and Irrigation Contractors), Acting
John S. (Jay) Long (Golf Course Superintendents), Acting
Chris Andreasen (Investor-owned Water Company) Co-chair
Don Shields (Investor-owned Water Company) Acting
Dr. Taha Marhaba (Academia), Acting
Check here for upcoming meetings.
For additional information
please contact:
Steve Domber
New Jersey Geological and Water Survey
Division of Water Supply and Geosciences
P.O. Box 420
Trenton, N.J. 08625
(609) 292-1185 |