2023 |
11/06/23 |
Notice for Zone of Rate Freedom (ZORF) |
11/06/23 |
Zone of Rate Freedom Proposed Amendment |
10/05/23 |
Virtual Public Hearing on Proposed Amended Rules Change for Dealers |
09/20/23 |
Notice of Public Hearing and Extension of the Public Comment Period for the Proposed Amended Rule Change for Dealers |
07/18/23 |
Proposed Amended Rule Change for Dealers |
2022 |
06/07/22 |
Proposed Amendment to Rules - Zone of Rate Freedom Regulations |
2021 |
12/06/21 |
Final Adoption - Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program |
12/06/21 |
Final Adoption - Licensing Services Commercial Driver Licensing |
12/06/21 |
Final Adoption - Autobuses Readoption |
08/04/21 |
Proposed Amendments and New Rules – Enhanced Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program regulations |
08/04/21 |
Proposed Amended Rules – Commercial Driver Licensing |
08/04/21 |
Final Adoption - Compliance and Safety Motor Vehicle Violations Surcharge System |
06/07/21 |
Final Adoption - Information Searches |
06/07/21 |
Final Adoption - Licensing Services
Title to Vehicles Abandoned at Repair Facilities |
04/07/21 |
Notice of Readoption -
Inspection Services Bus Unit |
04/07/21 |
Final Adoption -
Point System and Driving During Suspension
Penalty |
02/16/21 |
Proposed Amendment – Requirements for Standard Driver Licenses and
Non-Driver Identification Cards |
02/16/21 |
Final Adoption - Licensing Service
Driver Licenses |
02/01/21 |
Proposed Amended Rules – Motor Vehicle Violations Surcharge System |
2020 |
12/07/20 |
Final Adoption - Motorcycle Safety Education Program |
12/07/20 |
Final Adoption - Transportation Network Companies |
12/07/20 |
Final Adoption - Commerical Driver License |
12/07/20 |
Final Adoption - License Registration Renewals |
10/19/20 |
Proposed Amendment – Point System and Driving During Suspension |
10/19/20 |
Proposed New Rules – Title to Vehicles Abandoned at Repair Facilities |
10/05/20 |
Notice of Readoption -
Enforcement Service |
10/05/20 |
Notice of Readoption -
Licensing Service |
10/05/20 |
Proposed Rule Amendment – CAIR Program |
10/05/20 |
Autobus and Trolley Readoption |
07/20/20 |
Proposed Rule Readoption -- Transportation Network Companies |
07/20/20 |
Proposed Rule Amendments -- Commercial Driver Licensing |
07/20/20 |
Proposed Rule Readoption -- Motorcycle Safety Education Program |
07/20/20 |
Proposed Amendments – Standard Driver License and Non-Driver Identification Cards |
07/20/20 |
Rule Proposal - License and Registration Renewals, Duplicates, Interim Driver Licenses and Non-Driver Identification Cards and Restorations |
07/20/20 |
Final Adoption - Installation and Use of Ignition Interlock Devices |
04/20/20 |
Proposed Rule Readoption -- Autobus and Trolley |
02/03/20 |
Notice of Receipt of Petition - Vehicles Abandoned at Repair Facilities Procedure |
02/03/20 |
Proposed Amendment to Rules – Installation and Use of Ignition Interlock Devices |
02/03/20 |
Inspection of School Bus Driver Records Adopted Amendments |
01/07/20 |
Special Adoption - Transportation Network Companies |
10/07/19 |
Final Adoption - Commercial Passenger Transportation |
10/07/19 |
Final Adoption - License and Registration Renewals, Duplicates, Interim Driver Licenses and Non-Driver Identification Cards and Restorations |
10/07/19 |
Final Adoption - Enforcement Service Diesel Vehicle Inspection |
09/17/19 |
Notice of Administrative Correction Licensing Service - Proof of Identity |
08/06/19 |
Proposed Amendments to Rules - Inspection of School Bus Driver Records |
08/06/19 |
Final Adoption - Body Standards for School Buses |
08/06/19 |
Final Adoption - N.J.A.C. 13:18-2.1, 2.10, 2.20, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4 IFTA/IRP |
08/06/19 |
Final Adoption - Titles to Vehicles Abandoned on Private Property |
04/01/19 |
Proposed an amendment to its Enforcement Service regulations. |
04/01/19 |
Proposed Rule Amendments -- Commercial Passenger Transportation |
04/01/19 |
Proposed Amendment to Rules – License and Registration Renewals, Duplicates, Interim Driver Licenses and Non-Driver Identification Cards and Restorations
02/04/19 |
Re-Proposed New Rules -- Title to Vehicles Abandoned on Private Property |
02/04/19 |
Proposed Amendment to Rules – International Fuel Tax Agreement Implementation, International Registration Plan |
02/04/19 |
Proposed Rule Amendments -- Enforcement Service |
01/22/19 |
Final Adoption - Enforcement Service |
10/01/18 |
Executive and Administrative Service Readoption with Amendments |
08/07/18 |
Final Adoption - Motor Vehicle Commission - Zone of Rate Freedom |
08/06/18 |
Final Adoption - Motor Vehicle Commmission Enforcement Service - Vehicle Inspection Rules |
05/21/18 |
Enforcement Service Proposed New Rules NJAC 13:20-50B.50 and 51.16 |
05/21/18 |
Licensing Service Adopted Amendments: N.J.A.C. 13:21-7.3,8.7,8.8 and 8.15 |
05/21/18 |
Compliance and Safety - Readoption with Amendments 13:19-1 through 9 and 11 |
02/05/18 |
Proposed Amendment: N.J.A.C. 16:53D-1.1 - Zone of Rate Freedom |
02/05/18 |
Proposed New Rules -N.J.A.C. 13:21-26 - Transportation Network Companies |
02/05/18 |
Readoption Motorized Bicycles |
01/16/18 |
Final Adoption - Licensing Service Farm Vehicles |
01/16/18 |
Final Adoption - Licensing Service |
01/16/18 |
Final Adoption - Enforcement Service |
01/16/18 |
Final Adoption - Licensing Service |
12/04/17 |
Proposed Rule Amendments -- Licensing Service |
12/04/17 |
Proposed New Rule Amendments – Compliance and Safety Readoption with Amendments |
11/20/17 |
Final Adoption - Regulatory Affairs Zone of Rate Freedom (ZORF) |
11/20/17 |
Final Adoption - Licensing Service License and Registration Renewals and Restorations |
11/20/17 |
Final Adoption - Disabled Veteran and Purple Heart Recipient Placards |
10/02/17 |
Proposed Rules - Executive and Administrative Service |
10/02/17 |
Proposed Rule Amendments, Repeals, and New Rules -- Enforcement Service |
10/02/17 |
Proposed New Rule - Title to Vehicles Abandoned on Private Property |
09/18/17 |
Final Adoption - Licensing Service Entity Identification Number |
09/18/17 |
Final Adoption - Driving Schools |
08/08/17 |
Final Adoption - Licensing Service and Document Scanning |
08/07/17 |
Proposed Rule Amendments -- Enforcement Service |
08/07/17 |
Proposed Rule Amendments and Proposed New Rule -- Licensing Service |
08/07/17 |
Proposed Amendments To Rregulations Found in Chapter 21 - Licensing Services |
08/07/17 |
06/05/17 |
NJ Licensed Motor Vehicle Dealers - Final Adoption |
04/18/17 |
Proposed Rule Readoption with Amendments -- Driving Schools |
04/17/17 |
Proposed Regulation - Entity Identification Number |
04/17/17 |
ZORF Proposed Regulation and Notice |
04/17/17 |
Final Adoption - Boating |
04/03/17 |
Executive and Administrative Service (International Registration Plan) Adoption |
04/03/17 |
License and Registration Renewals and Restorations
Proposed Amendments
04/03/17 |
Proposed New Rule Amendments -- Disabled Veteran and Purple Heart Recipient Placards
02/06/17 |
Rulemaking Petition Procedures |
02/06/17 |
Proposed Rule Amendments -- Licensing Service |
December |
12/12/16 |
Proposed Rule Readoption with Amendments -- Boating |
12/08/16 |
Notice of Readoption – Bus Safety Compliance Oversight, Enforcement, Out-of-Service Violations, and Penalties |
12/08/16 |
Zone of Rate Freedom (ZORF) Adoption |
October |
10/05/16 |
Proposed Regulations -- Executive and Administrative Service (International Registration Plan) |
10/04/16 |
Final Adoption - Enforcement Service Personalized License Plates Adopted Amendments |
September |
09/20/16 |
Final Adoption - Licensing Service Proof of Identity Adopted Amendments |
09/20/16 |
Final Adoption - Licensing Service and Document Scanning Adopted Amendments |
August |
08/17/16 |
Proposed Rule Amendments -- Executive and Administrative Service |
08/02/16 |
Final Adoption - Executive and Administrative Service Waiver from Rules |
08/02/16 |
Final Adoption - Electronic Lien and Titling Program |
June |
06/20/16 |
The Motor Vehicle Commission has proposed revisions to its Licensing Service New Jersey Licensed Motor Vehicle Dealer regulations. |
06/20/16 |
The Motor Vehicle Commission has proposed amendments to its Regulatory Affairs (Commercial Passenger Transportation) Zone of Rate Freedom regulations. |
May |
05/17/16 |
Enforcement Service Vehicle Inspection Rules Emergency Exit Doors in Buses |
April |
04/04/16 |
Proposed Rule Amendments -- Licensing Service |
February |
02/16/16 |
Proposed Rule Amendments – Inspection Rules |
02/05/16 |
Proposed Rule Amendments -- Enforcement Service |
October |
10/05/15 |
Executive and Administrative Service Waiver from Rules Proposed New Rule |
10/05/15 |
Licensing Service Document Scanning Proposed Amendments |
August |
08/05/15 |
Enforcement Service Daily School Bus Condition Report by Driver |
08/05/15 |
Electronic Lien and Titling Program |
June |
06/01/15 |
Proposed Rule Amendments -- Point Assessment regulation, N.J.A.C. 13:19-10.1 |
April |
06/06/15 |
Executive and Administrative Service (International Fuel Tax Agreement Implementation) |
04/06/15 |
Advertising on Commission Equipment, Facilities, and Property |
December |
12/01/14 |
Proposed Rule Amendments -- Regulatory Affairs (Commercial Passenger Transportation) |
12/01/14 |
International Fuel Tax Agreement Implementation Final Adoption |
12/01/14 |
Person with Diabetes Permitted to Voluntarily Make Notation on License and Identification Cards Final Adoption |
12/01/14 |
Zone of Rate Freedom 2014 Final Adoption |
12/01/14 |
International Registration Plan Final Adoption |
September |
09/15/14 |
Proposed Rule Amendments - Enforcement Service |
09/02/14 |
Electronic Lien and Titling Program Final Adoption |
August |
08/04/14 |
The Motor Vehicle Commission has proposed new rules N.J.A.C. 13:18-10 |
08/04/14 |
The Motor Vehicle Commission has proposed to amend N.J.A.C. 13:18-3.7 |
June |
06/18/14 |
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) Final Adoption |
06/02/14 |
The Motor Vehicle Commission has proposed to amend N.J.A.C. 13:18, entitled Executive and Administrative Service. |
06/02/14 |
The Motor Vehicle Commission has proposed to amend N.J.A.C. 13:21-8.23 & 13:21-16.4 entitled Person with diabetes permitted to voluntarily make notation on both the driver’s license and non-driver identification cards. |
May |
05/05/14 |
Regulatory Affairs (Commercial Passenger Transportation) |
April |
04/07/14 |
Licensing Service Final Adoption as published in the New Jersey Register |
March |
03/11/14 |
Licensing Service Final Adoption to be considered by the MVC Board |
08/13/13 |
Licensing Service Proposed Amendments that were approved by the MVC Board |