Troop A Road Stations

Major Sheila McKaig-Devlin - Troop Commander

Troop A serves the southern geographical portion of the state from the Delaware River to the Atlantic Ocean, covering 2,104 square miles, with a population of over 1.7 million people. Troop A, with its headquarters located in Beuna Vista Township, consists of eight stations.

The Atlantic City Expressway Station is responsible for all police functions on the 44 mile toll road, as well as the Brigantine Connector Tunnel. The Atlantic City Airport Unit provides security for the Atlantic City Airport. This unit is a model for all police agencies in security operations.

The Metro South Station and Strategic Investigations Unit in Camden establishes a partnership with the local law enforcement, county prosecutor's offices, county sheriff's offices, other state agencies, community and faith based groups, clergy alliance, political leaders and the private sector in an effort to address quality of life and crime issues identified by the citizens of the assigned area and its police department.

The Bellmawr Station has the responsibility for 35 miles on I-295, I-76, I-676, SH #42 to the beginning of the Atlantic City Expressway, and 20 miles of SH #55.

The Buena Vista, Bridgeton, Port Norris, Woodbine, and Woodstown Stations have primary police responsibility for 32 municipalities in six separate counties, and work in conjunction with established municipal departments within their geographical areas.

The Port Norris Station has an added responsibility for the lower 20 miles of SH #55, and Woodstown Station has the responsibility for the lower 15 miles of I-295.

Within the Troop A area, there are three nuclear generating plants, located in Salem County at the Artificial Island site. Also, within the area are two race tracks, four state correctional facilities, one federal correctional facility, and four state mental facilities. There are 12 casinos presently in operation in Atlantic City and the Thomas H. Kean Aquarium which is located in the City of Camden.

Contact Information for Troop A

Atlantic City Expressway Station
P.O. Box 389
Hammonton, NJ 08037
(609) 965-7200
(609) 965-3703 (FAX)

Bellmawr Station
Wellwood Avenue
Bellmawr, NJ 08030
(856) 933-0662
(856) 931-5301 (FAX)

1 Landis Ave.
Bridgeton, NJ 08302

Buena Vista Headquarters
1045 Rt. 54
Williamstown, NJ 08094

Metro South
71 W. Park Ave.
Vineland, NJ 08360

Port Norris
8861 Highland Street
Port Norris, NJ 08349

Strategic Investigations Unit - South
71 W. Park Ave.
Vineland, NJ 08360

823 Franklin St.
Woodbine Boro, NJ 08270

769 Rt. 40
Pilesgrove, NJ 08098

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