The Division of State Police recognizes that mistakes may be made and the actions of our troopers may fall short of expectations. The Division of State Police has established rules and regulations and standing operating procedures governing the professional and personal conduct of employees and acceptable work performance standards. These guidelines are designed to protect the well-being and the rights of all citizens and employees. The Office of Professional Standards will thoroughly investigate all reports of misconduct by troopers regardless of the source. Anyone who files a complaint against a trooper will be treated with courtesy and respect.
Call the Office of Professional Standards at our toll free recorded hot line: 1-877-253-4125, to speak to a representative Monday through Friday, between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. After 5:00 pm leave a message. You will receive a return call during business hours from our office.
You may also email:
810 Bear Tavern Road
Suite 310
West Trenton, NJ 08628
Telephone 1-877-253-4125
Fax (609) 882-2033
IAIB Central
1350 Campus Parkway
Suite 102
Wall Township, NJ 07753-6821
IAIB North
20 Audrey Place
Fairfield, NJ 07004
IAIB South
2201 Route 38
Suite 202
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
P.O. Box 7068
West Trenton, NJ 08628-0068
Fax (609) 882-2033
Director of the Office of Law Enforcement Professional Standards
Department of Law and Public Safety
P.O. Box 080
Trenton, NJ 08625
If the investigation indicates the trooper has committed a violation, corrective action commensurate with the severity of the violation will be taken. Mitigating circumstances may be considered by the Superintendent in determining appropriate penalties. Discipline under the rules and regulations will not be based on any employee's race, color, political affiliation, sex, disability, or age. Action taken by the Division may involve:
After an investigation is completed, less severe discipline ( written reprimand and five or less days suspension) is administered directly by the Superintendent. More serious discipline (suspension for more than five days, reduction in rank, or termination) will be imposed if the trooper is found guilty at a disciplinary hearing. In the event the member is subject to a disciplinary hearing, the complainant and witnesses may be called to testify. They will be notified in writing by the Office of Professional Standards when the complaint has been resolved. However, the exact discipline imposed is a confidential personnel matter and will not be revealed to the complainant. Members of the Division can appeal the Superintendent's decision. The Division of State Police has established procedures for members to follow in filing their appeals, just as it has established procedures to fairly and honestly investigate citizens' complaints.
You can call the toll free recorded hotline: 1-877-253-4125
Note: This hotline is strictly for compliments and/or complaints.
All other inquiries can be addressed by calling 609-882-2000.