Department of Transportation

Traffic Mitigation Plan

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) recognizes that a project of this magnitude requires a carefully planned, designed and implemented construction traffic mitigation plan to provide safe traffic flow through the project area. The process of developing the project's Traffic Mitigation Plan (TM Plan) is consistent with requirements called for under NJDOT's publication on Traffic Mitigation Guidelines for Work Zone Safety and Mobility (2007).

Underlying the development of the TM Plan are following objectives:

  • Maintain at acceptable levels the flow of traffic through the construction area.
  • Minimize travel delays experienced by motorists during construction.
  • Educate the public about the purpose, objectives and benefits of the project.
  • Encourage motorists to use transit and other alternative modes and educate travelers about the benefits of these modes.
  • Reduce the number of incidents within the construction area.

To meet the mitigation objectives, various traffic, highway, geometric and programmatic measures were evaluated with input from Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from state, regional and local agencies. The TM Plan measures involve:

  • Coordination with communities and stakeholders, and the development of a public information program including public information meetings.
  • Motorist information program to include use of Dynamic Messaging Signs (DMS); preconstruction signage; maintain existing closed circuit television (CCTV); advance information panel signs and travel advisories through various media, including Transportation Management Associations (TMAs), project web site, etc.
  • Mitigation actions to avoid or reduce construction impacts to local businesses.
  • Incident management program such as towing services to assist stranded motorists and clearing of incidents.

Last updated date: October 26, 2020 12:54 PM