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BrownfieldsReuse Success Stories


Brownfield Site Reuse Success Stories

The Office of Brownfield & Community Revitalization works diligently with the public and private sector to move brownfield properties through the remediation and redevelopment process.  When a brownfield redevelopment project comes to fruition, local communities experience benefits such as neighborhood revitalization, increased tax revenue, or reclamation of land for open space. By forging partnerships with various state agencies to streamline remediation, maximize available financing, and implement Smart Growth principles, New Jersey demonstrates a forward-thinking, sophisticated approach to managing brownfield redevelopment projects.  The following Brownfield Success Stories highlight just a few of the successful brownfield remediations that have been completed across the state. 

Success Stories by County

Camden County

Essex County

Gloucester County

Hudson County

Mercer County

Middlesex County

Monmouth County

Ocean County

Passaic County

Somerset County

Union County