SCSEP/WorkForce 55+
The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)/WorkForce 55+ is the only federal program targeted to help older workers obtain employment and self-sufficiency. SCSEP enables thousands of low-income seniors each year to earn and learn.
SCSEP participants gain work experience in a variety of community service activities at non-profit and public facilities, including schools, libraries, hospitals, day-care centers and senior centers. Participants train an average of 18 hours a week and are given stipends at minimum wage. This training serves as a bridge to employment for participants.
While enrolled in the program participants receive:
- Assessments;
- Individual Employment Plans;
- Case Management; and
- Training
Participants must be at least 55, unemployed and have a family income of no more than 125% of the federal poverty level. Enrollment priority is given to individuals who:
Are 65 years of age or older
Have a disability
Have limited English proficiency
Have low literacy skills
Reside in a rural area
Are veterans (or eligible spouses of veterans) for purposes of the Jobs for Veterans Act
Have low employment prospects
Have failed to find employment after using WIOA services
Are homeless or at risk for homelessness
Are formerly incarcerated or on supervision from release from prison or jail within five years of the date of initial eligibility determination
Location |
Phone |
609-813-3921 |
856-549-0626 |
609-224-2039 |
856-238-6742 |
973-395-3249 |
973-733-5772 |
856-251-6810 |
201-217-7007 |
Hunterdon County One-Stop Career Center - Flemington |
908-782-2371 |
732-937-5237 |
732-683-8850 |
973-383-2775 |
Union County One-Stop Career Center - Plainfield |
908-412-7969 |