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news release

P.O. Box 600
Trenton, NJ
Contact: Mairin Bellack
Judith Drucker
RELEASE: March 15, 2019

Route 42 overnight lane and ramp closures necessary as Bridges over Timber Creek and Lower Landing Road project advances

Overnight detour necessary to implement traffic shift for bridge deck replacement

(Trenton) - New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) officials today announced overnight lane and ramp closures on Route 42 southbound as the Bridges over Timber Creek and Lower Landing Road project advances between Gloucester, Camden County and Deptford, Gloucester County.

Beginning at 9 p.m., Saturday, March 16 until 6 a.m. Sunday, March 17, NJDOT’s contractor, Richard E. Pierson Construction Company, will close the right and center lanes on Route 42 southbound, along with the ramp from Route 41 to Route 42 southbound. The closures are necessary to implement a traffic shift on Route 42 southbound to allow for the demolition and reconstruction of the bridge deck over Big Timber Creek and Lower Landing Road. 

When Route 42 southbound reopens on Sunday morning, two lanes of traffic will be shifted to the left and the current left lane cross over onto the northbound side of Route 42 will remain in place. This configuration will be in place through the fall. Route 42 northbound will continue to have three lanes of travel open.

The following overnight ramp detours will be in place:

Deptford Center Road to Route 42 southbound detour:

  • Motorists traveling on Deptford Center Road wishing to take Route 42 southbound will be directed to turn left onto Route 41 northbound
  • Take the ramp to Route 42 northbound
  • Take Route 42 northbound to Exit 14/Creek Road
  • Turn left onto Edgewood Avenue
  • Turn left onto Creek Road
  • Turn left onto Harding Avenue
  • Turn left onto Leaf Avenue to Route 42 southbound

Route 41/Hurffville Road northbound ramp to Route 42 southbound detour:

  • Motorists traveling on Route 41/Hurffville Road northbound wishing to take Route 42 southbound will be directed to the next exit for Route 42 northbound
  • Take Route 42 northbound to Exit 14/Creek Road
  • Turn left onto Edgewood Avenue
  • Turn left onto Creek Road
  • Turn left onto Harding Avenue
  • Turn left onto Leaf Avenue to Route 42 southbound

Route 41/Hurffville Road southbound ramp to Route 42 northbound detour:

  • Motorists traveling on Route 41/Hurffville Road southbound wishing to take Route 42 southbound will be directed to turn right onto Superior Way
  • Turn left through the parking lot
  • Turn left onto Deptford Center Road
  • Turn left onto Route 41 northbound
  • Take the ramp to Route 42 northbound
  • Take Route 42 northbound to Exit 14/Creek Road
  • Turn left onto Edgewood Avenue
  • Turn left onto Creek Road
  • Turn left onto Harding Avenue
  • Turn left onto Leaf Avenue to Route 42 southbound

The $9.6 million federally-funded project, which began in September 2017 will demolish and replace the two bridge deck spans on the Route 42 Bridges over Timber Creek and Lower Landing Road and make repairs to the piers and abutments. The project has been designed in stages with the bridge deck replaced one side at a time to reduce the impact to motorists. Work will begin on the southbound bridge. The estimated completion date is fall 2020.

The precise timing of the work is subject to change due to weather or other factors. Motorists are encouraged to check NJDOT’s traffic information website www.511nj.org for construction updates and real-time travel information and for NJDOT news follow us on Twitter @NJDOT_info or on the NJDOT Facebook page.

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  Trenton, NJ 08625-0600
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  Last Updated:  March 15, 2019