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news release

P.O. Box 600
Trenton, NJ
Contact: Mairin Bellack
Judith Drucker
Brian Ahrens
RELEASE: July 11, 2019

NJDOT receives federal grant for workshops to reduce crashes and pedestrian fatalities

Proven Safety Countermeasures pilot program will expand statewide

(Trenton) - New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) today announced a grant awarded by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to develop a statewide Proven Safety Countermeasures workshop focusing on reducing intersection and pedestrian fatalities and serious crashes. 

The approximately $16,000 grant, which is funded through FHWA’s Accelerating Safety Activities Program (ASAP), will provide for three pilot workshops covering each region of the state to increase awareness of recent safety research that offers low-cost roadway design solutions known to save lives. Workshop attendees will include engineering, planning, and design staff from NJDOT, New Jersey Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), county officials, and municipal personnel.

“The NJDOT is always looking for methods to improve road safety for the public, no matter what method of travel they utilize.” NJDOT Commissioner Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti said.  “This FHWA grant allows us to share knowledge with local agencies across the state, ensuring the use of proven design practices and most importantly, saving lives.” 

NJDOT will work with its partners at the FHWA, the New Jersey Local Technical Assistance Program (NJLTAP), and MPOs throughout the state to jointly produce the workshop, with representatives from each organization presenting during the half-day program. Following the delivery of the three pilot workshops, NJLTAP will coordinate the production of subsequent workshops and manage Professional Development Hour (PDH) credit for workshop participants. 

The workshops will feature proven safety countermeasures with New Jersey-specific applications, including roundabouts, rumble strips, medians, pedestrian crossing islands, and pedestrian hybrid beacons. The sessions will emphasize the implementation of low-cost safety solutions, and participants will learn how to locate potential state and federal funding sources to incorporate these solutions into current and future projects. 

The Proven Safety Countermeasures workshops are planned for late summer through fall 2019.

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Please note, the NJDOT Communications Office has a new phone number – 609-963-1975.

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  Last Updated:  July 11, 2019