Department of Transportation

Selected Alternative and Photo Simulations

The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) has identified Alternative D as the Selected Alternative for the Direct Connection Project.

Aljo's Curve photo The Selected Alternative passes I-295 over I-76/Route 42 and Browning Road as well as eliminates Al-Jo’s curve. The Selected Alternative was preferred by stakeholders (Agency Coordination Meeting, Community Advisory Committee and Local Officials Briefings). Additionally, reviewing agencies identified this as the best alternative for the project. This is summarized in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)

A summary of design features of the Selected Alternative are:

  • Northbound and southbound I-295 are side-by-side
  • I-295 crosses over Route 42/I-76 on a viaduct on a skew
  • I-295 on viaduct over Ramp C and Browning Road
  • Ramp D on viaduct over I-76/Route 42, Ramp C and under I-295
  • Two lane ramps except for Ramp F
  • Removes express/local lanes on I-76 westbound
  • I-295 posted speed limit: 55 miles mph (design speed: 60 mph)
  • Ramp speed limits: 40 mph (design speed: 45 mph)

Past photo simulations showing potentially impacted areas were developed depicting existing conditions versus proposed construction. The photo simulations were preliminary and the aesthetics, landscaping and architectural treatment will be further advanced during the final design phase to coincide with the location. Past photo simulations areas impacted are as follows:

Browning Road looking east from Annunciation Church photo
Browning Road looking east from
Annunciation Church
Browning Road looking west from New St. Mary's Cemetery photo
Browning Road looking west from
New St. Mary's Cemetery
Essex Avenue looking east from Bellmawr Park ballfields photo
Essex Avenue looking east
from Bellmawr Park ballfields
Victory Drive looking south toward Bellmawr Park School photo
Victory Drive looking south
toward Bellmawr Park School
Bell Road from north of Emerson Avenue photo
Bell Road from
north of Emerson Avenue
Shining Star Park looking south toward I-295 and Little Timber Creek photo
Shining Star Park looking south
toward I-295 and Little Timber Creek
St. Mary's Cemetery Mausoleum graphic
St. Mary's Cemetery Mausoleum
St. Mary's Cemetery Mausoleum graphic
St. Mary's Cemetery Mausoleum side

The Selected Alternative begins in the area of the Route 168 Bridge over I-295. Mainline I-295 shifts slightly south and elevates to a third level viaduct over Browning Road and Route 42 and a second level viaduct over Ramp C. The roadway meets existing I-295 pavement north of the Creek Road overpass. The I-295 Selected Alternative crosses I-76/Route 42 at a skew through an unused area of New St. Mary's Cemetery.

Vehicles on northbound Route 42 traveling to I-295 northbound, exit on Ramp A. This ramp configuration, in conjunction with the new I-295 mainline alignment, eliminates the current substandard weaving condition with Ramp E at this location. Ramp A crosses under Ramp E and then crosses over Route 42 northbound before joining the elevated I-295 northbound alignment just north of Browning Road.

Ramp B provides the movement from southbound I-295 to westbound
I-76. Ramp C provides the movement from southbound I-295 to southbound Route 42. Ramp B and Ramp C exit I-295 from the right. Ramp B follows a similar alignment to its existing one to meet I-76 westbound. Ramp C splits from Ramp B and crosses under Ramp D, I-76, Browning Road and I-295 to connect with Route 42 north of the Creek Road Bridge.

Ramp D is the move from I-76 eastbound to I-295 northbound. Ramp D exits I-76 in much the same way that it does now. The Ramp D alignment crosses over I-76, over Ramp C and under I-295 before merging with
I-295 northbound south of Bell Road.

Northbound I-295 traffic heading north to I-76 utilizes Ramp E which follows essentially the same alignment as it does now.

Eastbound I-76 traffic heading to I-295 southbound utilizes Ramp F. Ramp F diverts from I-76 from the right (existing exit is from the left), and then passes under Browning Road. Ramp F first runs parallel to Ramp C and then runs adjacent to I-295 southbound. Ramp F rises from a depressed section at Browning Road to an elevated section as it ties into I-295 southbound prior to Essex Avenue.

Last updated date: November 12, 2020 11:15 AM