Department of Transportation


The file listed below are in Portable Document Format (PDF). You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these files, which is available at our state Adobe Access page.

Community Advisory Committee (CAC)
October 19, 2006
Summary (pdf 30k)
Presentation (pdf 5.8m)
June 8, 2006
Summary (pdf 189k)
Presentation (pdf 18.7m)
July 9, 2005
Summary (pdf 34k)
Presentation (pdf 13.5m)
November 10, 2004
Summary (pdf 65k)
Presentation (pdf 3.2m)
March 23, 2004
Summary (pdf 40k)
Presentation (pdf 1.1m)
November 25, 2003
Summary (pdf 33k)
Presentation (pdf 2.9m)
January 7, 2003
Summary (pdf 18k)
Presentation (pdf 4.2m)
November 21, 2002
Summary (pdf 21k)
Presentation (pdf 1.8m)
August 20, 2002
Summary (pdf 32k)
Presentation (pdf 3.4m)
Agency Coordination Meeting (ACM)
October 28, 2009
Presentation (pdf 20.7m)
Meeting Summary - Agency Coordination Meeting #11 was held on October 28, 2009. The purpose of the meeting was to assist the many new participants in the ACM, provide an overview of the streamlining process that was specifically created at the start of this project when agencies committed to allocate sufficient resources and to participate into this process that merged National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)/404 permitting processes to facilitate the environmental review A description of the Preferred Alternative (PA) was provided as wall as a discussion of wetland impacts, flood hazard area impacts, riparian zone impacts, Tidelands, reforestation, Green Acres, contaminated sites and cultural resources. Questions regarding wetland mitigation, stormwater mitigation, waterfront access were discussed. Additionally, questions about permitting duration occurred. The ACM was informed that the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was submitted in November 2007, followed by the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) submitted in December 2008. The Record of Decision was signed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) on Friday, March 20, 2009.
October 24, 2006
Presentation (pdf 5.8m)
Meeting Summary - Agency Coordination Meeting #10 was held on October 24, 2006. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Alternatives Analysis and to achieve concurrence for advancing an Initially Preferred Alternative. The Alternative Comparison Matrix review conducted at the June, 2006 meeting produced the loaded matrix presented at this meeting. The loaded Alternative Comparison Matrix, the Impact Criteria and the Summary of Engineering Criteria chart were thoroughly reviewed with commentary by the group. The agency’s representatives posed many questions which were thoroughly discussed and evaluated.

The No-Build Alternative was eliminated since it did not meet the purpose and need of the project. Various aspects of all five alternatives were reviewed including cost to build, duration of construction and environmental impacts. After narrowing down the various facets of the five alternatives, the group agreed to compare Alternative D (which eliminates Al Jo’s curve and scored better in most categories in a direct comparison to Alternative D1) to Alternative K, the tunnel alternative. Out of the nine categories used for the comparison, six favored Alternative D with a seventh category only slightly favoring Alternative K. The comparison yielded Alternative D as the Initially Preferred Alternative subject to other stakeholder’s concurrence. While all five alternatives are discussed in the DEIS, the Initially Preferred Alternative will be identified. The group was then asked if they agreed on advancing Alternative D as the Initially Preferred Alternative and they responded in the affirmative.

The next steps for the process were reviewed as follows:

  • Funding for the DEIS approved 9/18/06
  • Prepare pre-DEIS and DEIS
  • Prepare Conceptual Army Corps of Engineers Permit
  • Prepare Section 4(f) Documentation for Bellmawr Park Mutual Housing
  • Construction currently planned to commence in 2011
  • Construction completion currently planned for 2015 +/-
June 13, 2006
Presentation (pdf35.2m)
Meeting Summary - Agency Coordination Meeting #9 was held on June 13, 2006. The purpose of the meeting was to review the project status, discuss the Alternative Analysis Process and evaluate the criteria to be developed and the metrics to be used on the Alternatives Comparison matrix to be sure that all relevant criteria have been included. The goal is to have a consensus among the groups (ACM, CAC, New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) Core Group) involved in the selection process for the Preferred Alternative (PA). Topics reviewed in the progress of the project since the last meeting in June, 2005 included the completion of the Technical Environmental Studies (TES) which have been reviewed by NJDOT. Five of the seven studies are currently under review by the FHWA. The DEIS will summarize the results of each TES, leading to the selection of a PA. The No Build Alternative is also being considered. Two tables were presented and reviewed; one summarizes the TES findings and the other is a Draft Alternative Comparison Matrix. The criteria for the matrix were discussed and it was noted that if the impacts/issues are similar for each of the alternatives including the No-Build, they were not included in the matrix as they do not distinguish one alternative from another. Another meeting will be scheduled in the fall of 2006 to discuss the ratings proposed by the project team for all criteria used in the Alternative Comparison Matrix and to discuss the selection of a PA. A detailed review of the TES results for the seven environmental disciplines studied was presented. In closing, the ACM members were informed that there is no formula for the Alternative Comparison Matrix; the PA will be selected following the same qualitative, informed decision-making process as was used in the initial alternative screening phase. The team’s goal is to have a PA by the end of 2006.

June 7, 2005
Presentation (pdf 19m)
Meeting Summary - Agency Coordination Meeting #8 was held on June 7, 2005. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the status of the TES disciplines’ progress for the five short listed alternatives. It was noted that the alignments had been refined to reduce impacts to Bellmawr Park Housing and ball fields and to reduce wetland impacts along Little Timber Creek. The attendees were informed of the meetings previously held with the impacted property owners (including St. Mary’s Cemetery, Annunciation Church, Bellmawr Park Housing, Bellmawr Park Board of Education and Bellmawr baseball) during which the Right of Way (ROW) advance acquisition process was discussed. It was stated by one of the attendees that advance acquisition would require the use of state funds. Noise and air impacts as well as wetland mitigation options were also discussed. A thorough review of the TES disciplines was presented. A question arose regarding conflicts with potential PATCO plans for a rail line and it was reported that none of the five short listed alternatives would preclude anything that PATCO may want to do in the future and also that the Direct Connection project is roughly five years ahead of any PATCO plans for this area. The upcoming schedule of meetings and document submissions was reviewed.

October 15, 2003
Presentation part 1 (pdf 3m)
Presentation part 2 (pdf 2m)
Meeting Summary - Agency Coordination Meeting #7 was held on October 15, 2003. The purpose of the meeting was to review the various alternatives and the Initial Alternatives Screening Matrix and to obtain consensus from the agencies regarding the alternatives to be advanced for full assessment in the DEIS. The meeting participants were divided into two groups to independently review the alternatives and matrix and decide which alternatives to short list. After deliberating, the participants agreed to recommend advancing Alternatives "D"/"D1" family, "G2"/"H" family and "K". The project team had previously decided on the same short list of alternatives with the exception of "G2" which was to be dropped based on visual impacts, maintenance and constructability.

June 2, 2003
Meeting Summary - Agency Coordination Meeting #6 took place on June 2, 2003. The participants discussed the Purpose and Needs and Independent Utility. An update of the project flowchart and the Alternatives Matrix was discussed which will be used to assist in the shortlisting process. The consultant's project manager explained how each alternative will be analyzed using the following criteria: construction costs, right of way requirements, wetlands criteria, noise impact, socioeconomics and historic resources. Discussion among the attendees followed each presentation of the criteria.
May 13, 2003
Presentation (pdf 3.4m)
Meeting Summary - Agency Coordination Meeting #5 took place on May 13, 2003. The participants met at the Wyndham Hotel in Mount Laurel, New Jersey and took a bus tour through the 1-295/I-76/Route 42 Interchange. Various environmental resources, existing substandard features and community resources were pointed out. There were two stops on the bus tour where the attendees could leave the bus for a more detailed view; the Browning road overpass and the Shining Star Park where the attendees viewed I-295 and Ramp C as well as the adjacent wetlands along Little Timber Creek. During the tour, the consultant's project manager described various points of concern and interest associated with the planning of the project. The group returned to the hotel where they viewed all of the current planned alternatives for the held where the participants were invited to design new alternatives for the project. Although no new alternatives were created, each team provided suggestions on possible refinements to the alternatives currently under consideration.

Following the charette, the attendees discussed the project Purpose and Need. There was a consensus among the attendees that the projects noted above have Independent Utility and may proceed as individual projects. The EIS for the I-295/I-76/Route 42 Interchange Reconstruction project will include a discussion on the environmental impacts of the Missing Moves project.

March 26, 2003
Presentation (pdf 5m)
Meeting Summary - Agency Coordination Meeting #4 took place on March 26, 2003. The purpose of this meeting was to provide the participants with a history of the evolution of the I-295/I-76/Route 42 Interchange project NJDOT provided a power point presentation that showed the alternatives considered for this project since studies began in 1987 and the analysis of the projects as one in the beginning through the point at which they were split into two separate projects up to the point at which the project now stands. This presentation provided for discussion among the participants as to the separation of the projects and the Purpose and Need statement for the Interchange as it reads right now. The participant were unable to reach a conclusion on this matter and it was agreed that a field visit might aid in this process. The next ACM #5 is currently scheduled for May 13th, will include a field visit for all of the participants.

February 3, 2003
Presentation (pdf 3.4m)
Meeting Summary - Agency Coordination meeting #3 took place on February 2, 2003. The purpose of this meeting was to present the Alternative Review Criteria. The NJDOT explained that it had modified various alternatives and developed new alternatives, based on input from the community and agency's comments. The NJDOT stated that it would ask for concurrence from the agencies on the short list of alternatives, when it is developed. Some of the participants then expressed concerns regarding the separation of the Interchange and the Missing Moves projects and the combined potential impacts the two projects might create. The NJDOT stated that from an engineering prospective the two projects are separate and that the two had previously been studied as one project and the conclusion of those studies was that they should be implemented separately. The NJDOT agreed to review the potential Interchange Reconstruction alternatives that include the area of the Missing Moves project to determine if a better alternative exists. The participants did not review the Alternatives Review Criteria as the discussion regarding the separation of the projects continued until the meeting end time.

December 17, 2002
Presentation (pdf 3.1m)
Meeting Summary - Agency Coordination Meeting #2 took place on December 17, 2002. The purpose of this meeting was to obtain concurrence on the project Purpose and Need so the planning of the project could continue within the Streamlining framework, to present the baseline environmental data and to present the alternatives developed to date. Certain participants expressed reservations about signing the concurrence form but all agreed that the project Purpose and Need was acceptable. The NJDOT presented a summary of the baseline environmental data collected to-date: land use, minority populations, noise, vegetation and wetlands, cultural resources, 4(f) and hazardous waste sites within the project area was summarized based on the maps included in the February 2002 Summary Report. NJDOT's Consultant, Dewberry, presented the nine interchange alternatives developed to date. A tunnel alternative was suggested, it was agreed that several alignments may have to be evaluated for this alternative.

November 14, 2002
Presentation (pdf 3.5m)
Meeting Summary - Agency Coordination Meeting #1 took place on November 14, 2002. The purpose of this meeting was to introduce the participants to formal process of streamlining and NEPA documentation that will be necessary for approval of this project. Streamlining is intended as a method to reach a progressive consensus between all stakeholders in order to move ahead to the next step in the process. As part of Streamlining, concurrence for the project is sought from the participating agencies at each key milestone in the process to preclude revisiting issues later on unless significant new findings are identified. To begin streamlining this project, NJDOT asked the agencies to review and comment on the project Purpose and Need statement.
Public Information Center
February 21, 2013 Flyer (pdf 44k)  
October 26, 2010
Flyer (pdf 30k)
Summary (pdf 33k)
February 15, 2007
Flyer (pdf 4m)
Summary (pdf 34k)
June 13, 2005
Summary (pdf 28k)
November 30, 2004
Summary (pdf 29k)
January 28, 2004
Flyer (pdf 53k)
Presentation (pdf 2.5m)
July 24, 2003
Summary (pdf 29k)
Presentation (pdf 3.5m)
April 24, 2002
Summary (pdf 34k)
Presentation (pdf 3m)
Public Hearing
March 8, 2012
October 26, 2010
January 30, 2008
Summary (pdf 44k)
Local Public Officials BriefingPublic Hearing
December 11, 2012
October 25, 2011
October 20, 2010
April 7, 2009
November 7, 2007
October 19, 2006
June 8, 2006
May 18, 2005
February 16, 2005
October 26, 2004
April 19, 2004
June 4, 2003
November 12, 2002
April 17, 2002
January 30, 2002
Partnering Meeting
January 7, 2004
Summary (pdf 56k) Presentation (pdf 3m)
June 18, 2003
Summary (pdf 23k) Presentation (pdf 5.9m)
December 11, 12, 2000
Fall 2009 edition (pdf 1m)
Fall 2006 edition (pdf 977k)
Summer 2004 edition (pdf 2m)
Fall/Winter 2003/2004 edition (pdf 401k)
Spring 2003 edition (pdf 211k)
Spring 2002 edition (pdf 445k)

Last updated date: November 12, 2020 10:18 AM