June-July 2004
The first step will be to modify the signal
at the intersection of Nassau Park Boulevard
and Quaker Bridge Road on the border of
Lawrence Township, the current back entrance
and exit to the Nassau Park stores.
The timing of this traffic signal will
be synchronized with the traffic signal
within the shopping center. This new signal
system will allow for better flow of the
traffic through this intersection to and
from Route 1 when the project is completed.
Utility, curb and deceleration lane modifications
will be made on Route 1 north just south
of the Quaker Bridge Mall, near Grover's
Mill Road, to ease the movement of vehicles
in the right lane.
August-September 2004
The ramps that will carry motorists through
the Route 1 north and Quaker Bridge Road
intersection will be modified.
No lanes on Route 1 will be impacted
during this work. However, the ramp may
be closed for brief periods during non-rush
A new roadway will be installed along
Route 1 northbound to ease the movement
of vehicles through this new traffic pattern.
The three existing travel lanes on Route
1 north will be maintained during this
work. However, ramps may be closed for
brief periods during non-rush hours.
The existing traffic signal at Nassau
Park Boulevard and Route 1 will be permanently
October-November 2004
The deceleration lane on the exit ramp from
I-95 north to Route 1 will be lengthened.
The Route 1 and Quaker Bridge Road interchange
will be repaved. |