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MOAs under Consideration

Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Pinelands Commission and Stafford Township

Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 7:50-4.52(c)3, the Executive Director of the New Jersey Pinelands Commission will conduct a second public hearing on a proposed Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between the Pinelands Commission and Stafford Township regarding the improvement of an existing trail in Forecastle Lake Park. Comments are being sought concerning the provisions of this Agreement and whether the Commission should enter into same.

A public hearing on the proposed MOA was previously held on August 14, 2024. Due to a technical issue with the livestreaming of that hearing, this second hearing is being held to afford members of the public the full opportunity to provide oral comments.

The proposed MOA would authorize Stafford Township to improve existing walking trails located adjacent to Forecastle Lake. The proposed improvements are intended to make the trails more accessible for individuals with ambulatory challenges. The proposed improvements involve the grading and paving of the existing trail, paving four accessible parking spaces and an access path in an existing stone parking area, and constructing a 35 ft x 6ft pedestrian footbridge. The entire project is located within required wetland buffer areas. The Commission’s approval of a deviation from the wetlands protection standards of the CMP is required to permit the project to proceed

To offset the wetlands impacts resulting from the proposed trail improvements and ensure an equivalent level of protection to Pinelands resources, the Township proposes to: 1) revegetate two existing cleared areas totaling 35,000 sq. ft. in the portion of the park located adjacent to Canal Avenue so as to restore these areas to their prior forested state; 2) install bollards at the trailhead at each end of the improved trail to prohibit entry by off-road vehicles; and 3) install signage at each end of the trail advising that the trail is designed to be accessible to those using wheelchairs and that use of the trail by motorized vehicles, bicycles and horses is prohibited.

The public hearing will be conducted remotely and broadcast live on the Commission’s YouTube channel on the following date and time:

DATE: Thursday, August 29, 2024
TIME: 9:30 a.m.

To view the hearing live, visit

The public may provide comment during the hearing by calling 1-929-205-6099 and using Meeting ID: 871 2200 7582.

The public may also submit written comment by email (preferred), regular mail, or facsimile no later than 5:00 p.m., Thrusday, August 29, 2024, to:

Land Use Programs Office
Pinelands Commission
PO Box 359
New Lisbon, NJ 08064
Facsimile: (609) 894-7330

Email: or through the Commission’s website at

A draft of the proposed MOA is available on the Commission’s website at or upon request by contacting the Pinelands Commission at

Following the public hearing, the Executive Director will submit a report and formal recommendation regarding the proposed MOA to the Pinelands Commission for its consideration.