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Blueberry fields in the fall (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Highbush blueberry (Photo by Paul Leakan) Cabbage field (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Cranberries being harvested (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Cranberries floating (Photo by Paul Leakan) Cranberries at harvest (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Cranberries being harvested at Whitesbog (Photo by Paul Leakan) Cranberries being harvested at Whitesbog (Photo by Paul Leakan) Greenhouses (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Turf Farm (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Turf irrigation (Photo John F. Bunnell)


Barred owl (Photo by Paul Leakan) Banded sunfish (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Banded sunfish (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Blackbanded sunfish (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Black rat snake (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Black rat snake - juvenile (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Black tiger swallowtail on pickerelweed (Photo by Paul Leakan) Bluespotted sunfish (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Carpenter frog calling (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Carpenter frog (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Common musk turtle (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Common musk turtle (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Common snapping turtle (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Creek chubsucker (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Creek chubsucker (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Dragonfly emerging (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Dragonfly recently emerged (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Eastern box turtle (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Eastern box turtle (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Eastern box turtle (Photo by Paul Leakan) Eastern fence lizard (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Eastern mudminnow (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Eastern painted turtle (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Eastern pond hawk (photo by John F. Bunnell) Eastern pond hawk - female (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Eastern pond hawk - female (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Eastern ribbon snake (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Eastern ribbon snake (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Eastern screech owls (Photo by Paul Leakan) Eastern spadefoot toad (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Eastern spadefoot toad - metamorph (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Eastern spadefoot toads in amplexus (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Eastern worm snake (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Elfin skimmer (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Eyed click beetle (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Four-toed salamander (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Four-toed salamander (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Fowler's toad (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Fowler's toad calling (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Fowler's toad calling (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Fowler's toad - metamorph (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Great horned owl (Photo by Paul Leakan Great horned owl (Photo by Paul Leakan) Green frog (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Green frog (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Green frog (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Marbled salamander (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Northern pine snake (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Northern pine snake (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Northern red salamander (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Northern red salamander (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Pine Barrens treefrog calling (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Pine Barrens treefrog adult male (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Pine Barrens treefrog - metamorph (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Pine Barrens treefrog - ventral (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Pine Barrens treefrog in amplexus (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Pine Barrens treefrog (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Pirate perch (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Red belly turtle (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Red belly turtle (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Redfin pickerel (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Southern leopard frog (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Southern leopard frog (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Southern leopard frog (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Southern leopard frog calling (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Spotted turtle (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Spotted turtle (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Spotted turtle (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Spotted turtle (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Spotted turtle (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Swamp darter (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Timber rattlesnake (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Wild turkey (Photo by John F. Bunnell)


Atsion Mansion (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Atsion ruins located by the canoe launch (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Batsto Village houses (Photo by Paul Leakan) Batsto Mansion in spring (Photo by Paul Leakan) Batsto Mansion in spring (Photo by Paul Leakan) Batsto Mansion (Photo by Paul Leakan) Batsto sawmill in spring (Photo by Paul Leakan) Batsto Lake dam (Photo by Paul Leakan) Carranza Memorial (Photo by Paul Leakan) Carranza Memorial (Photo by Paul Leakan) Carranza Road (Photo by Joel Mott) Chestnut Neck Monument (Photo by Paul Leakan) Chestnut Neck Monument (Photo by Paul Leakan) Estellville Glassworks (Photo by Barry Brady) Fenwick Manor (Photo by Paul Leakan) Lost Town of Friendship (Photo by Joel Mott) Lost Town of Friendship (Photo by Joel Mott) Hampton Furnace (Photo by Joel Mott) Harrisville Paper Factory (Photo by Paul Leakan) Harrisville Paper Factory (Photo by Paul Leakan) Harrisville Paper Factory (Photo by Joel Mott) Weymouth Furnace (Photo by John F. Bunnell)


Apple Pie Hill Fire Tower (Photo by Paul Leakan) Apple Pie Hill (Photo by Joel Mott) Bamber Lake outflow (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Bass River State Forest (Photo by Paul Leakan) Bass River State Forest (Photo by Paul Leakan) BATONA trail (Photo by Joel Mott) Batsto Lake (Photo by Paul Leakan) Batsto in winter (Photo by Joel Mott) Batsto Lake dam (Photo by Paul Leakan) Bordens Mill Branch Impoundment (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Burned Pitch pine cone (Photo by Paul Leakan) Cologne Avenue land preserved by the Pinelands Conservation Fund (Photo by Paul Leakan) Deep Run impoundment in spring (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Deep Run (Photo by Joel Mott) Franklin Parker Preserve impoundment (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Franklin Parker Preserve (Photo by Paul Leakan) Franklin Parker Preserve (Photo by Paul Leakan) Hammonton swamp (Photo by Paul Leakan) Lake Absegami (Photo by Paul Leakan) Lake Nummy (Photo by Paul Leakan) Lake Oswego (Photo by Joel Mott) Lily pads (Photo by Paul Leakan) Maple Root land preserved by the Pinelands Conservation Fund (Photo by Paul Leakan) Mimosa Lakes (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Oswego River (Photo by Joel Mott) Pakim Pond (Photo by Joel Mott) Pakim Pond (Photo by Joel Mott) Pine Plains (Photo by Joel Mott) Pinelands stream (Photo by Paul Leakan) Pinelands swamp (Photo by Paul Leakan) Savanna near Oswego River (Photo by Joel Mott) Skeleton Pond (Photo by Kim Laidig) Sleeper Pond (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Stafford Forge impoundment (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Sunset in the Pinelands (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Wading River in winter (Photo by Joel Mott) Warren Grover wildfire regrowth (Photo by Paul Leakan)


Bog aster (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Cotton grass (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Cranberry vine (Photo by Paul Leakan) Dragon's mouth orchid (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Goat's rue (Photo by Paul Leakan) Golden club (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Goldenrod (Photo by Paul Leakan) Grass Pink (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Horsemint (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Lady's tresses (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Leatherleaf flowers (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Lobelia field (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Meadowbeauty (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Meadowbeauty (Photo by Paul Leakan) Orange milkwort (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Pine Barrens gentian (Photo by Paul Leakan Pine Barrens gerardia (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Pine Barrens heather (Photo by Paul Leakan) Pine Barrens sand wort (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Pink Lady's slipper orchid (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Pitcher plant (Photo by Paul Leakan) Pitcher plant (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Pixie moss (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Purple bladderwort (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Purple bladderwort stand (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Red maple leaves (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Rose pogonia (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Sand myrtle (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Sheep laurel (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Short leaf pine cone Short leaf pine (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Sphagnum moss (Photo by Paul Leakan) Sundew (Photo by Joel Mott) Swamp azalea (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Swamp pink (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Swamp pink flower (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Threadleaf sundew (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Turkeybeard flower (Photo by John F. Bunnell) Turkeybeard stand (Photo by John F. Bunnell) White water lily (Photo by Paul Leakan) White fringed orchid (Photo by Paul Leakan) White fringed orchid (Photo by Paul Leakan)


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