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Reporting a Violation

The public plays an important role in identifying and reporting potential violations of the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan (CMP) to the Pinelands Commission. The CMP contains the rules that guide land use, development and natural resource protection in the state-designated Pinelands Area, a million-acre region that spans all or part of 53 municipalities.

Pinelands municipalities are the primary enforcers of Pinelands regulations and standards, which are implemented through certified municipal ordinances. The Commission works closely with municipalities to pursue violations, including providing support. Commission staff may also participate in site inspections and serve as expert witnesses in municipal court proceedings, when necessary. In particularly serious violation cases, the Commission may pursue direct enforcement action through the State Attorney General's Office. 

How do I report a violation?

If you believe a violation of Pinelands rules has occurred, please first report the potential violation to the zoning or code enforcement officer within the respective municipality. If, for any reason, reporting the potential violation to a municipal official is not possible, please contact the Pinelands Commission at (609) 894-7300 or The report will be investigated to determine if it is violation of the CMP.

What information does the Commission need?

Please provide:

  • The property address of the potential violation. Tax Block and Lot information is the most helpful. However, if you are unsure of this information, please provide the address or a detailed description of the location.

  • A description of the potential violation with adequate details, including what has occurred and where it has occurred on the property.

Information that is helpful but not required

  • Your name and a way to contact you in writing (by mail or e-mail), if we have further questions. However, please note that you may request anonymity, and you can simply submit your report anonymously. 

  • Any other relevant information or resources.