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Congestion Buster Task Force


Note: The recommendations presented here are the work of the Congestion Buster Task Force, an independent body, and do not represent the official position of NJDOT.

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Subcommittee Goals Chairperson Members
Congestion Focus is problem identification and examining the factors that contribute to congestion. Jim Sinclair All Task Force Members
Demand Management Review travel demand management strategies such as ridesharing, vanpools, alternate work schedules and telecommuting. Sandra Brillhart Jack Claffey
Erica Ferry
Stephanie Kudrowitz
Barry Lem
Anita Perez
Bill Ragozine
Jim Sinclair
Transit & Passenger Rail Explore what can be done to improve mass transit and promote additional use. Allocation of resources and innovative transit solutions will be reviewed. Anita Perez Jim Redeker
Martin Robins
Judith Schleicher
Goods Movement Recommend ways to improve the efficiency of truck operations through scheduling and rerouting. The role of rail freight in reducing congestion will be examined. Gail Toth Ken Afferton
Dotty Drinkwater
Joanne Jaeger
Jennifer Jaroski
Martin Robins
Traffic Management Examine subjects such as Intelligent Transportation Systems, incident management, signal timing and congestion pricing and make recommendations to improve traffic flow and safety. Ken Afferton Lt. Col. Cartwright
Dotty Drinkwater
Hamou Meghdir
Bill Ragozine
Land Use and Growth Management Study how land use management can reduce congestion. An example is encouragement of transit-friendly planning. Bill Ragozine Jennifer Jaroski
Bill Layton
Mike Reeves
Judith Schleicher
Legislative Review recommendations and determine which ones require legislative solutions. Specific legislative language will be presented for Task Force consideration. Michael Egenton Ken Afferton
Dotty Drinkwater
Joanne Jaeger
Judith Schleicher
Jim Sinclair
Marketing & Public Education Suggest educational and promotional programs that publicize commuter incentives and transportation mode choices. Jennifer Jaroski All Task Force Members
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  Last Updated:  February 22, 2008