Department of Transportation


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The New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) has partnered with local Transportation Management Associations (TMAs) to encourage the public and businesses to consider ridesharing options such as carpooling and vanpooling during the rehabilitation of the Pulaski Skyway travel lanes.

Ridesharing... it's a smart move.

TMAs are currently meeting with large employers in the Jersey City waterfront area to promote vanpool or carpool opportunities for employees and help educate employees on other transit options. They are also encouraging employers to consider providing telecommuting and flex start options for their employees.

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Motorists who would like to carpool or vanpool should contact their TMA. The TMA will assist vanpoolers in the process of renting a van, mapping a route and receiving the available subsidies.

NJDOT will provide $325-per-month subsidies to enable NJ TRANSIT to support up to 10 new vanpools capable of accommodating approximately 100 commuters.

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To be matched for a vanpool, call 1.800.245.POOL or visit NJDOT's Ridematching web site, or ridematching web sites Hudson TMA or Meadowlink/EZRide.

Last updated date: November 17, 2020 8:02 AM