Q. |
Why are we doing this work? |
A. |
The Route 70 over Manasquan River bridge replacement project is one component of a comprehensive infrastructure improvement of the Route 70 corridor from Jack Martin Boulevard to the Brielle Circle.
The widening and reconstruction of Route 70 from Herbertsville Road in Brick Township to the intersection with Riverview Drive in Brielle will complete the dualization of Route 70 and provide for the much-needed replacement of the existing Route 70 bridge.
The structurally deficient and functionally obsolete, existing movable bridge will be replaced with a fixed, high-level, architecturally treated, precast concrete bridge. The new bridge will have a 25-foot vertical clearance and accommodate a 75-foot wide navigation channel. A new fender system will also be provided.

Architectural rendering of the new bridge
Q. |
What other improvements will be made? |
A. |
- Bulkheads will be reconstructed at the southwest, southeast and northeast corners of the bridge.
- Retaining walls will be provided at the four corners of the bridge to retain soil slopes and limit right of way acquisitions.
- A noise wall will be constructed along Route 70 eastbound in the Borough of Brielle to mitigate noise impacts.
- A public fishing pier will be provided at the northwest corner of the bridge.
- Two new ramps will be provided to facilitate traffic movements at the intersection of Route 70 with River Road/Riviera Drive in Brick Township.
- A new traffic signal will be installed at the intersection of Route 70 and River Road/Riviera Drive in Brick Township.
- New curbs, sidewalks, bicycle-compatible lanes and landscaping treatments will be provided throughout the entire project.
- Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) improvements will be provided including a weather station, pavement sensors, a bridge mounted CCTV camera and a multi-duct conduit for future expansion of the statewide ITS system.
- Drainage improvements will be constructed including pipes and inlets, two new basins and three manufactured treatment devices to provide increased storm water storage capacity and to improve water quality.
- The bridge has been designated as the "September 11 Memorial Bridge" and as such, appropriate signage, plantings, plaques and memorial architecture has been incorporated into the project.
Q. |
Are local residents and officials involved? |
A. |
Local residents and officials have been meeting with the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) on the planning and design of this project since February 1997. Public meetings were held during the Feasibility Assessment, Preliminary Design and Final Design phases of the project.
Q. |
Is there a community liaison during construction? |
A. |
Because NJDOT wants to keep members of community informed and in touch during construction, the Route 70 over Manasquan River bridge replacement project includes a Community Liaison, Tony Marsella. |
Q. |
What are the cost, start and finish dates? |
A. |
The $52 million project began in January 2006 and is expected to finish in 2010. Currently, the project is ahead of schedule. |
Q. |
Who is the contractor and resident engineer? |
A. |
The contractor is George Harms Construction Company, Inc. of Howell. NJDOT's David Wallis is the resident engineer. |
Q. |
What are the construction stages? |
A. |
The project is being constructed in stages to allow for the maintenance of two lanes of traffic in each direction along the Route 70 corridor. The first half of the replacement bridge will be completed in Spring 2007. At that time, Route 70 traffic will be transferred onto the new structure to allow for the demolition of the existing bridge and construction of the second half of the replacement bridge.
Q. |
What will NJDOT do to minimize motorist hassles? |
A. |
NJDOT will keep lane closures and detours to a minimum during construction. These will be noted online and on variable message signs within and outside of the work area. |
Q. |
Where can commuters find updated information about this project? |
A. |
The best sources of updated information are:
Q. |
How can I make a suggestion? |
A. |
Your suggestions are welcome. Contact us by email.