Internal Audit performs reviews related to Treasury's divisions, including policies, operations, accounts, and contracts, to ensure the efficiency of agency systems and procedures. The unit ensures that agency systems and procedures are consistent with the requirements of statutes, regulations and policies.
Diversity & Inclusion is a recently established unit within the Department of Treasury, Division of Administration lead by the Diversity Officer and Legal Liaison. The responsibility of the unit is to assess, improve, develop, and effectively implement Treasury-wide Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEI&B) programs, key workforce initiatives, and diversity metrics; and to facilitate the implementation of internal policies to support the Department's DEI&B goals—including the advancement of equity, talent acquisition, employee engagement, and inclusive culture building.
The Department of the Treasury is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We are working hard to ensure our department is a fair and diverse place to work. The Affirmative Action Officer handles AA/EEO issues for the Department of the Treasury and its direct employees. If you are a public works contractor or a vendor providing goods and/or services to a government entity and need to complete affirmative action reporting forms, please visit the Contract Compliance and Equal Employment Opportunity in Public Contracting website.
The Office of Ethics Compliance (OEC) is responsible for educating and advising Department employees regarding ethics issues related to the New Jersey Conflicts of Interest Law, State and Department ethics rules and policies, including applicable regulations and executive orders, and serves as the liaison between the Department and the State Ethics Commission. The OEC is responsible for developing and administering a comprehensive, agency-based ethics compliance program to ensure that employees receive required information and documents, complete necessary filings, attend mandatory training, and receive appropriate advice to avoid violations of ethics laws and regulations.
The Office of Fiscal and Resources is responsible for the financial management of the Department of the Treasury and the administration of a number of Interdepartmental accounts for all State agencies. The responsibilities of this office include the proper allocation, management, expenditure and reporting of resources.
More Information:
The Budget Office develops the annual Treasury and interdepartmental budget submissions, and provides financial oversight by coordinating, reviewing and monitoring fiscal management budget reports. This unit also prepares extensive executive and legislative briefing materials for the budget each fiscal year. Responses to budget questions from the legislature's budget hearing process and press and public budget questions are also coordinated by this unit. Finally, the unit analyzes and recommends short and long-range financial strategies.
Tom Solecki
Tel.: 609-292-1147
All Fiscal Managers work closely with clients in planning and managing their financial position and are responsible for the proper allocation, expenditure and reporting of resources.
Gary Pinar, Deputy Director/CFO
Tel.: 609-633-7889
Tom Solecki, Assistant Director
Tel.: 609-292-1147
Mona Cartwright, Assistant Director
Tel.: 609-292-5621
Serves Clients:
Reva Bethea
Tel.: 609-292-6865
Serves Clients:
Clyde Mingo
Tel.: 609-292-6262
Serves Clients:
Reva Bethea
Tel.: 609-292-6865
Serves Clients:
Jeff Koval
Tel.: 609-633-9018
Oversees grants administration for various programs, prepares the Department of the Treasury's annual budget submission, and serves as fiscal manager for clients:
Mian Shi
Tel.: 609-633-9069
Serves Clients:
Fiscal's Operations and Transaction Processing Unit manages the financial position of Treasury, including the receipt, control and authorized use and accounting for all appropriations, revenues and expenditures. This unit serves as the departmental approval and processing agent for all procurements and disbursements, and ensures prompt payment to vendors, employees and other State agencies. Operations staff administer and bill out to using agencies from the intradepartmental telephone and postage accounts, handle state-wide debt service payments, and serve as financial advisor for various state development projects. In addition, the unit provides direct fiscal management services to the following clients:
Gary Pinar, Deputy Director/CFO
Tel.: 609-633-7889
Special Education Medicaid Initiative (SEMI) and Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC)
This unit is responsible for administering and coordinating many grants and specialty programs such as:
Cathy Nichols
Tel.: 609-633-7407
Special Administrative Services
Chris Davis
Tel.: 609-292-7132
Treasury Human Resources offers a full range of personnel services including organization planning and design, classification, compensation, recruitment, hiring, promotion, employee development, performance appraisal, payroll, timekeeping, leave administration, health benefits and labor relations.
Treasury operates under the rules of New Jersey Merit System. Like other state agencies, most of our positions require that candidates pass an examination and be appointed from an eligibility list established by the Civil Service Commission. You can go to the web site to see all job vacancy announcements in State and Local Government.
In the absence of a State list, or for some titles that do not require examination, Treasury does maintain a resume bank of individuals seeking employment.
How to Get the Most Out of Your Career
Resumes can be emailed to:
or sent to:
State of New Jersey
Department of the Treasury
Division of Administration - Human Resources
PO Box 210
Trenton, NJ 08625-0210
HR Operations is comprised of several units within the Human Resources office that directly support Treasury managers and employees by recruiting and hiring staff, coordinating and processing promotional actions, processing all personnel and positional transactions, maintaining and managing automated and paper employment records, processing payrolls and leave of absence requests, coordinating accident reporting and Workman's Compensation benefits, and reviewing and implementing workplace accommodations.
Antoinette Morgano-Sargent, Human Resources Officer
Tel.: 609-292-5097