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Division of Pensions & Benefits


  • Employees or their dependents covered by the SHBP or SEHBP who lose coverage may be able to continue health benefits coverage under COBRA. COBRA is not a separate health program; it is a continuation of SHBP or SEHBP coverage under the federal law. The length of COBRA coverage depends on the COBRA “qualifying event,” (the reason you’re offered coverage).

Qualifying Events

COBRA-qualifying events include:

  • Cut back in working hours;
  • Leave of absence;
  • End of employment (except for gross misconduct);
  • Divorce or end of partnership;
  • Dependent child turns age 26;
  • or Death of the employee or retiree.

Continuation of Health Benefits Under COBRA

Note: Employees who at retirement are eligible to enroll in SHBP or SEHBP Retired Group coverage cannot enroll in COBRA.

Applying for COBRA Coverage

If a COBRA-qualifying event occurs:

  • Employees and/or dependents will be provided with a COBRA Notice by the member’s Human Resources Department. Benefitsolver is the COBRA administrator for the SHBP and SEHBP, and continuation of coverage elections must be made through Benefitsolver.


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Last Updated: Wednesday, 10/16/24