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Records Management Services

Public Notice

Records Management Services may provide an agency a sample Public Notice, but no standard language is required, so long as the necessary information is conveyed to the public. Publication and posting shall be conducted according to the common practice of the agency for similar public notices of meetings, etc. where the public would expect to find such notices (i.e., bulletin boards, publication in legal notices in the local newspaper(s), or calendars of events).

Upon publication of the public notice, the requesting agency shall send the link to their public notice as it appears on the New Jersey Public Notices page maintained by the New Jersey Press Association and secure a dated and signed affidavit of publication by a qualified newspaper or send a notarized Declaration of Posting/Publication of Public Notice. We request that a dated and signed copy of the certification of publication by a qualified newspaper or a notarized Declaration of Posting/Publication of Public Notice be sent via fax and mail to:

Department of Treasury
Records Management Services
PO Box 661
Trenton, NJ 08625-0661
Tel.: 609-292-8711
Fax: 609-292-42910

Copies of this document shall be kept in the Records Management Services master file.

Public Notice Example


TAKE NOTICE the [Type AGENCY'S NAME here] of the State of New Jersey has received notification from Records Management Services of the Department of Treasury of the State of New Jersey that a review and evaluation of the image processing system currently in use for [Type RECORD TYPE(S) here] records maintained in the office(s) of [Type AGENCY'S or SUB-AGENCY'S NAME here] has been completed and an application for registration of said image processing system for the keeping of public records has been submitted, per P.L.1994, c.140 and N.J.A.C. 15:3-4 and 5.

Copies of the completed application are available for viewing and examination by the public at the offices of the [Type AGENCY'S or SUB-AGENCY'S NAME here], located at [Type AGENCY'S or SUB-AGENCY'S ADDRESS here], during regular business hours, Monday through Friday (excluding State holidays) between [Type AGENCY'S or SUB-AGENCY'S BEGINNING BUSINESS HOUR here] and [Type AGENCY'S or SUB-AGENCY'S ENDING BUSINESS HOUR here].

Last Updated: Wednesday, 01/15/20