Glossary of Terms
We may use words and phrases in our applications, forms, and notices that you may not be familiar with, or that have a different definition in the context of our programs. Here's what they mean.
A request to have your application reviewed again in hopes of obtaining a more favorable decision
A written request (submitted by mail, fax, or online) to be considered for benefits
When an application meets all the requirements, and is determined to be eligible for benefits
Average weekly wage
A calculation of a worker’s earnings, which we use to determine the worker’s weekly benefit amount
Base week
For claims in 2024, any calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) in which the employee earned at least $283
For claims in 2025, any calendar week (Sunday through Saturday) in which the employee earned at least $303
Base year
The timeframe used to meet the minimum gross earnings requirement and to calculate the average weekly wage. The standard base year refers to the first four of the last five completed calendar quarters before the worker files a claim.
For example:
earnings from: |
February 2025 March 2025 |
May 2025 June 2025 |
August 2025 September 2025 |
November 2025 December 2025 |
The wages earned during your base year will determine the amount of weekly benefits you may receive, and the total amount you can potentially receive throughout your claim. For workers who don't qualify with a standard base year, we have other ways of calculating a base year
Money paid by a government agency (or private insurance company) to replace lost wages when you are unable to work
When a parent spends time with a newborn or newly adopted, or newly placed foster child to form or strengthen the relationship
To confirm in a signed and dated written or online statement
Chargeable employer
The employer for whom the claimant last worked, or was last paid by, immediately prior to the onset of the disability
Application for a government- or company-sponsored benefit
Person applying for a government- or company-sponsored benefit
Contested claim
When an applicant disagrees with the Workers' Compensation insurance carrier's decision, and has filed a claim petition with the Division of Workers' Compensation to appeal a denial or stoppage of benefits
Continued Pay
Any paid time off (such as vacation or sick pay) granted by an employer to an employee when the employee is unable to work
Covered employment
When an employee works in New Jersey for an employer who is subject to the New Jersey Temporary Disability Benefits Law
Debit card
A payment card linked to funds in a worker's benefits account that can be used to make purchases or withdraw cash using a personal identification number (PIN)
When a claim does not meet the requirements to be issued benefits and is determined to be ineligible
The inability to work due to a physical or mental medical condition that has been certified by an approved medical provider
Donated Leave
When a state employee gives his or her own paid leave days to another employee who has a personal or family medical emergency but no paid leave days left to take
A claim that has been approved to pay benefits
An employee who processes applications for Temporary Disability and Family Leave Insurance
Family member
children of any age
domestic partners
chosen family
any other individual related by blood or that you consider to be family
Gross Misconduct
Behavior in the workplace that would be punishable as a crime in the first, second, third, or fourth degree
High Misdemeanor
Crimes in the first, second, or third degree
Income security programs
Short-term wage-replacement programs for workers who are: unable to find work (Unemployment Insurance); unable to work due to a non-work related personal injury or illness (Temporary Disability Insurance); or unable to work due to caring for a family member, or bonding with a newborn or newly placed adopted child (Family Leave Insurance)
An application for benefits that has been denied
An application for benefits that does not meet the minimum gross wage requirement to be approved
Maximum benefit amount
The most money you can possibly receive for a particular claim
Medical provider (approved)
A legally licensed chiropractor, dentist, osteopath, podiatrist, medical doctor, optometrist, psychologist, advanced practice nurse, advanced practice registered nurse, certified nurse practitioner, clinical nurse specialist, or certified nurse midwife (physician assistants and midwives are also acceptable when under the supervision of a licensed physician)
Non compos mentis
Not of sound mind; unable to make decisions for oneself
Private plan
An independent insurance plan that an employer may use to replace the state-provided insurance plan
Qualifying child
Your biological or adopted child, foster child, stepchild, legal ward, or the child of your domestic or civil union partner
When you are medically able to return to work
Repayment of funds back to the Division of Temporary Disability & Family Leave Insurance
When a disability recurs within 14 days of your recovery
Severance pay
A voluntary amount paid by an employer to an employee upon dismissal or discharge from employment for past years of service as required by contract, obligation, or custom. This money cannot be used to establish a benefit amount
State plan
The Temporary Disability and Family Leave Insurance programs run by the state of New Jersey's Department of Labor & Workforce Development
Subrogation agreement
A contract that states you will reimburse the Division of Temporary Disability Insurance for any benefits paid when you receive Workers' Compensation benefits for the same injury
Wage cap
The earnings threshold by which workers contribute to Temporary Disability and Family Leave Insurance. Until their gross earnings reach the threshold amount, they continue to contribute throughout the calendar year. The threshold amount is determined by New Jersey workers' average weekly wage statewide
Earnings paid to an employee by an employer
Waiting week
A seven-day waiting period before Temporary Disability benefits are paid. If your disability continues to be payable for three more consecutive calendar weeks, you will retroactively receive benefits for that first week. Family Leave Insurance is not subject to a waiting week
Weekly benefit rate
The amount of money you are entitled to each week. For claims in 2024, it is 85% of the average weekly wage, up to a maximum of $1,055. For claims in 2025, it is 85% of the average weekly wage, up to a maximum of $1,081