Appealing a Decision

Every decision notice we send has instructions for filing an appeal if you don’t agree with the decision.
Here’s what to do next.
How to Appeal
Read the entire notice carefully and follow the instructions within the allotted time frame.
To file an appeal online, click here.
You may file an appeal by writing to the division. Your written statement must include your name, Social Security number, address, and signature and faxed to 609-984-4138 or mailed to: Division of Temporary Disability Insurance, PO Box 387, Trenton, NJ 08625-0387.
Additional Information
If submitting an appeal after the deadline, let us know why your appeal is late. The appeals examiner will review the information and decide how to proceed based on that information.
Once you send in your appeal, allow some time for it to be reviewed. If we determine that the issue can be resolved without a hearing, a division representative may call you or send a form in order to get additional information before your appeal is escalated.
If your appeal is sent to the appeal tribunal, you will receive a separate notice in the mail to register for the hearing. The hearing is an administrative telephone hearing. It is important that you register no later than 3 p.m. on the business day prior to the hearing. To prepare for the hearing, get all your paperwork and information in order. If you need to, you can have witnesses and/or an attorney on the call with you.
Once the hearing has taken place, you will receive the appeal tribunal’s decision in the mail. That notice outlines additional steps you can take if you are not satisfied with their decision.
Appealing a Demand for Refund
If the hearing is in regard to a Demand for Refund the appeal tribunal determines that you do owe the money back, you must begin making payments toward that refund amount. If repaying us causes you a hardship, you can arrange for a payment plan with our Division of Benefit Payment Control by clicking here or by calling 609-633-7663. It is better that you pay us back in amounts that are comfortable for you rather than not paying us at all.