The letters and forms we send

After you apply for unemployment benefits you will get several different pieces of mail from us. The mailings will most likely come on different days, so don't worry if you don't receive everything at once. Depending on the circumstances of your claim, you may not receive all of the documents listed below. Some of the mail will come from the US Postal Service. We may also contact you via email.
You may also need to download and print some of our forms to send in by mail or fax. Those are linked in the second tab of the module below. Note that not all forms can be downloaded and printed. Some are created automatically by our claims system and need a customer service agent to generate a replacement.
This form contains instructions on how and when to claim your benefits. It also includes a list of any upcoming appointments.
If you have had any employment in New Jersey during the period of time used to calculate your benefits, you will receive this form. It will show you the amount of money you may collect each week (weekly benefit rate) and the total amount of money you may be entitled to collect during the one-year period that your claim is in effect (maximum benefit amount).
This notice will also include the employer(s) you worked for, the base weeks you worked, and the wages paid to you during the period used to determine your benefits. Review all this information carefully. If any of it is wrong or missing, file an appeal.
If you have had no employment in New Jersey during the base year period or if your claim is determined invalid for some other reason [for example, you were a corporate officer or you were not authorized to work by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)], you will receive this form. The notice will list the reason your unemployment claim is invalid. If you disagree with the decision, file an appeal.
If you choose not to have your Unemployment Insurance benefits directly deposited into your bank account, you will get a prepaid Money Network/My Banking Direct debit card in the mail. You will receive the card in a plain, unmarked envelope, seven to 10 days after you first apply for benefits. The card is good for four years, so don't discard it before that expiration date. If you reopen or file a new Unemployment Insurance claim within that timeframe, your benefits will be loaded onto that same card.
You may also get a prepaid debit card in the mail if you resume certifying for benefits after not doing so for 28 days or more. Claims become inactive when you don't certify for benefits for 28 days or more. If you reactivate your claim, you have to re-enter your direct deposit information. Otherwise we will automatically switch your payment method to the prepaid debit card.
If we need to gather additional information from you regarding the claim you filed online, you might receive an email with a secure link that will take you to an online questionnaire. You must complete the information being requested. Once we receive the information from you and your employer (if needed), we will make a determination on your claim.
After your fact-finding interview, either by phone or email, you will receive a determination via postal mail that says whether you were allowed or denied benefits. It will also give you the dates you are ineligible to collect benefits. If you disagree with the determination, appeal the decision. If the fact-finding interview is related to your base year employment, your employer will be notified of the outcome and may also appeal the decision.
If either you or your employer file an appeal, you will receive a Notice of Hearing in the mail telling you the date and time of the hearing and how to participate.
This guide contains information about eligibility for Unemployment Insurance benefits, instructions on how to apply for benefits, telephone numbers, and more.
Este folleto contiene información sobre su elegibilidad para beneficios bajo el seguro por desempleo, instrucciones en como reclamar sus beneficios y números de teléfonos par información.
You can use these forms to keep a record of where you look for work, and who your contact(s) at each potential employer.
You must complete this form before attending the Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment appointment.
This form is required to be completed prior to attending the Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment appointment.
Use this form to tell us how you want receive your Unemployment Insurance benefits. You can also use this form to request a change in method while you are collecting benefits.
Use this form to have federal income tax (FIT) withheld from your Unemployment Insurance benefits, or to stop the withholding of taxes from your benefits.
NOTE: Do not use this form to report an address change while you are collecting Unemployment Insurance benefits.
Only use this form to tell us about an address change after you stop collecting benefits. This will make sure that any adjustment checks, determinations, tax statements (1099-G), and informational notices go to the right place. We need your correct mailing address for two years from the date of your claim.
This form is used to claim Dependency Benefits.
If your weekly benefit rate is less than the maximum amount, you may qualify to receive these additional benefits. You must provide proof of dependency within six weeks of the date of your Unemployment Insurance claim.
If your spouse or civil union partner is employed during the week you establish your claim, you cannot receive dependency benefits. If you and your spouse or civil union partner are both unemployed, only one may claim dependency benefits.
If you were overpaid benefits and need to pay them back to us, use this form to set up a monthly installment agreement for repayment.
Submit this form if you are the spouse, next of kin, or executor/administrator for a claimant who passed away before receiving benefits he or she was due. The completed form and any supporting documents can be emailed to
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) is available to workers who lose their jobs or whose hours of work and wages are reduced as a result of increased foreign imports. TAA benefits may include training, testing, counseling, a job search allowance, and a relocation allowance.
Use this form to request that the U.S. Department of Labor determine if your employer should be certified for the TAA programs.
You must certify for and claim your benefits as instructed, and it is your responsibility to remain current with your requests for benefit payments.
We suggest you keep a record of your certifications, since you won't receive reminders to certify each week you are eligible to do so. This printable form can help you keep track of your weekly benefit certifications.