
Archived Photos
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October 3, 2005
Looking northbound near Commercial Avenue, crews fine grade the area which once was a median between northbound and southbound lanes of traffic on Route 18. This is in preparation for additional express lanes which will carry traffic uninterrupted through the Boyd Park area. |
Dynamic Messaging Signs (DMS) will add to the overall traffic flow once the Route 18 project is completed. Crews are installing the footings for the DMS which will be located just north of Carpender Avenue. |
This noise wall between Phelps and Newell Avenues on Route 18 southbound will provide the neighborhood an aesthetically pleasing noise barrier separating homes from the highway. Once completed this serpentine wall will have a beautiful architectural treatment and landscaping to add a finishing touch. |
New water pipes and conduits are being placed throughout the Route 18 project as improvements extend beyond the roadway itself. New piping awaits installation at the ramp from Route 1 southbound onto Route 18 northbound, near the Raritan Apartments which will also receive a new privacy wall to block out traffic noise for residents. |